Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Wednesday March 27 2013

Its Wednesday 13.4 will be announced so take it a bit easy today.  Work on some skills and mobilize your junky spots, breathe deep and get ready to kick some butt with 13.4! 

I have a thing with pairing deadlifts and push ups.... 

5 rounds for time; 
3 Deadlifts 
10 Push ups 

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Monday March 25 2013

 Hopefully everyone got out and enjoyed the awesome weather this weekend! We are now through the third week of the open with two more workouts to go.  There is so much to be learnt from the open and I hope each one of you continues to train with as much integrity post open as you have during the 2013 season.  

For tomorrow;
Ankle mobility 
Pistol work 


30 Snatches for time 95/135

To top it all off;
Hollow Body holds- on the bar 30 on 30 off for 3 rounds

Thursday, 21 March 2013

March 22 2013

13.3 is in the bag for most of you.  Great job! Not too many people love wall balls, and for good reason! Great job everyone.  Be sure to journal your times from today's WOD.  This workout is a great one for measuring your progress and watching yourself evolve as an athlete.  We talked briefly about "no repting" yourselves today. I assure you that if you are honest with your selves and with your movement standards you will make huge gains as an athlete! 

Friday WOD

a) 5x5 CTD Push ups 

b) Cleans 

c) V-Sit Holds for time 

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

We have no idea what is in store for us tomorrow night.  Lets work on some skills and spend more time than normal stretching and mobilizing. 

Max effort pull ups- as many as possible without letting go of the bar 
Ring dips - As many as possible without loosing form
Chest to deck push ups- As many as possible  

5x5 Front squat 

For  20 min stretch and mobilize. 

Monday, 18 March 2013

Tuesday March 19 2013

Skill work;
20 Box hops 
20 Pull ups  
20 Med ball cleans 

4 RFT 
10 Burpees 
8 Dumbell squat cleans 20/35
6  Deadlifts  155/185

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Ahh Monday all ready! Hope you all had a great weekend! For tomorrow we will do one of my favourite workouts.. The Chief! 

Spend 10 Min Working on Handstand push ups. Then;

"The Chief"
5- 3 Min AMRAP's of;

3 Power Cleans 135/85
6 Push ups 
9 Air squats 

Thursday, 14 March 2013

March 15 2013

Awesome job to everyone that completed 13.2!! So far the open has taught me so much and helped me with my training; I hope the rest of you feel the same.  We learn where we need to improve and what our "goats" are as far as progressing in this sport.  As our first year in the open this is my goal for each and everyone of you; to learn more about the sport, to learn what your weaknesses are, look them dead in the eye and conquer  them! 
A few people are doing the open WOD again on Saturday morning at 10:00.  Come hang out and cheer! 

For tomorrow... 
Shoulder press 
Handstand push ups 

Ok that was a joke. 


Kipping pull up work
Muscle up work  

Front Squat 10-10-10-10-10

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

March 13,2013

Ever since the announcement of the Open 13.1 its become obvious that a little more time is needed on the things we don't do as often. Only practice will make us better at these things. After spending some time on the snatch the last few days, lets spend some time on a couple other movements we sometimes neglect like the "jerk" and "split jerk". 

For Time: Using either form of "Jerk" to complete

10 Push Jerks (65/95#)
50 Walking Lunges
10 Push Jerks
40 Kettlebell swings(35/50#)
10 Push Jerks
30 Knees to Elbows
10 Push Jerks
20 Push Ups
10 Push Jerks
10 Pistols(alternating)


Find one rep max of Clean and Jerk
Max reps Ring Dips

Monday, 11 March 2013

Tuesday March 12 2013

A) EMOM for 10min;

1 Snatch 
2 Overhead squats 

B) Complete 50 pull ups - See how many you can do unbroken 

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Monday March 12 2013

Killer job to everyone that did 13.1! We have 8 people signed up for the open, this is AMAZING considering we opened less than one year ago.  You can all look foreword to 13.2 for Thursday's WOD as well as the open workouts Thursday's and Saturday's at 10:00.  A huge thank you to everyone that came out and cheered, you guys rock!! 

A) Tabata of;

Toes to bar 
Double unders 
Kettle bell swings 

B) 30 Second ring L-Sit holds 

Thursday, 7 March 2013

I am absolutely amazed with each and every one of you that did the first workout of the open today.  Thank you to everyone that came out to cheer; your words of encouragement brought some really awesome vibes to the gym and helped us push through some things we never thought possible.  Now to wait and see what next week brings!

Partner WOD 
15 Min Partner AMRAP 

5 Handstand push ups 
10 Pistols  
15 Pull ups 

Partner A completes the first exercises while partner B cheers.  Each partner must complete the set number of reps before moving on to the next movement. Score will be the total number of rounds completed by each group.  

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Thursday March 7th 2013

Well here it is;  The first workout of the 2013 open.  Good luck to everyone competing.  You are not competing with Rich or Annie; you are competing with yourself and finding the will inside you to overcome obstacles and challenges you never thought possible. And if you do that, you have already succeeded in the games.  

Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 17 minutes of:
40 Burpees
45/75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
30 Burpees
75/135 pound Snatch, 30 reps
20 Burpees
100/165 pound Snatch, 30 reps
10 burpees
120/210 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Wednesday March 6th 2013

Well the first workout of the CrossFit open is released tomorrow night; I am excited and nervous at the same time! We will keep the workouts fairly low key as I am sure the first open workout will be a whopper.  

1 Deadlift and 6  push ups EMOM for 10 min 

Skill work
- Muscle ups
Toes to bar

Monday, 4 March 2013

March 5th 2013

Don't forget! We have 6am classes 5 days a week now! 

A) 9-15-21
Double unders 
Sit ups 

B) Cleans 3-3-3-2-2-1-2-2-3-3-3

Sunday, 3 March 2013

March 4th 2013

Well its the first week of the open and hundreds of thousands of people around the world are waiting to see what the first workout of the 2013 CrossFit Open will be.  Even top games competitors have no clue what to expect, kind of exciting! I am so proud of everyone that signed up.  We are a newer affiliate with SO much to learn about CrossFit and I think the open will teach us so much, not only about CrossFit but about our potential. Be prepared to be challenged, changed and humbled by this experience. For those of you that are singed up, the workouts are posted on Wednesday's so we will be completing them in Thursday's regular classes as well as Saturday mornings at 10 am.  Jason, Nikki and I are all qualified to judge you so if these times do not work for you please just let us know and we can arrange something for you.  If you have some extra time to come and cheer on the competitors as they complete there WOD's we would sure love the support.  

A)Find a 1RM for shoulder press 

B) 12 Min AMRAP
10 Dumbell Overhead Squat 
6 Farmer Carries