Friday, 27 February 2015

Saturday February 28th 2015

Amazing job to everyone that completed 15.1! There were some amazing Pr's and tonnes of smiles.  It takes a lot of courage to sign up for the Open and give it your all in front of everyone- you deserve a pat on the back! 

10 am class will be cancelled tomorrow- instead we will have a workout up on the board and some open gym time from 9-12.  There are still a few of us that need to complete our Open WOD's and will be doing so in the am, come by and cheer and if you can judge! 

I am not posting tomorrows WOD here because I am saving my forearms :-) 

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Friday February 27th 2015

The first open workout has been released! Click here for 15.1 standards and scaled divisions.  This will be Friday's WOD for everyone 

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Thursday February 26th 2015

Well the CrossFit Open is upon us! The first workout will be announced at 6pm tomorrow night.  I plan to watch it at the gym so come on down if you want to join me and the rest of the 5:30 class.  You can watch the announcement and the pros go head to head at  and get psyched  up to take on the workout Friday night.  Below is a list of the heats for Friday night, please look it over and be sure you can make your time, if not please let me know asap.  


Danile. O 



I have another little contest going for the Open season, bring a playlist to listen to or share with us and you will have your name entered for a draw to win a month of FREE classes! 

I am really proud of everyone that has signed up for the Open.  It is this time each year that we get to get together with our community and truly test our fitness.  The workouts are always fun and challenging- they also teach us a lot about ourselves as athletes.  We are going to learn where are weaknesses are- and where our strengths lye. Its those that face there weaknesses rather than run from them that will be successful not only with CrossFit but life in general.  I truly believe this sport builds character and we each face an array of different challenges- but we come together each day and work together to be better.  Good luck everyone- its going to be a fun five weeks!! 

5 min aerobic 
Coach's choice dynamic 
Burgner warm up 

12 min EMOM
1 clean 
1 Hang clean 
1 Jerk 

10 min AMRAP
Double unders 

1 length inch worm 
Calf smash 
Accumulate 2 min in down dog 

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Wednesday February 25th 2015

I will have the heats for the CF Open up in tomorrow nights blog post, please keep an eye out and if any changes need to be made let me know asap. 

Run 1 mile 
Coach's choice dynamic 
Burgner warm up 

12 min EMOM@75% of Snatch 1RM 
1 Snatch grip deadlift 
1 Power Snatch 
1 Snatch 

For time;
50 Cal row 
50 Alt DB Snatch 
50 Push ups 35/50
* 10 min time cap 

400m walk
15 clam shell per side x5  
Couch stretch 2 min per side 

Monday, 23 February 2015

Tuesday February 24th 2015

1 mile run 
Coach's choice dynamic 

5 rounds 
5 Beat Swing on bar or rings 
5 High transitions
5 Ring dips 
* scale reps movements as needed. 

12 min AMRAP
15 Air squat 
10 Burpee box jumps 
5 CTB 

Walk 400m 
30 sec on 30 sec off wall slides x5 
Sub scap smash 

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Well it is finally here! The CrossFit Open starts this week!! I have programmed things a little lighter for the next few weeks so we can save all of our efforts for the Open workouts.  There will be an announcement each Thursday night at 6pm.  I plan to be watching this each Thursday night at the gym so the 5:30 class may be interrupted, please understand how exciting this is for those participating.  The Open WOD will then be programmed as Friday's WOD so you all get to do it anyway.  You might as well just sing up :-) If you can not make the Friday nights Open WOD schedule please schedule another time to get your workout in.  

Front rack Mobility 
5 min AMRAP 
5 hollow rocks 
10 Goblet squats 
15 Unbroken double unders 

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3

Build to a tough set of 3 defect kipping HSPU 

7 min AMRAP
7 thruster 65/95 
7 Burpees 

Walk 400m 
50 Pull over on bench or ball 
3 postion Band stretch 

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Friday February 20th 2015

We will be sending the Hallden family off CFPC style tomorrow (Friday) night at 6 ish with a Paleo potluck and a fun WOD.  Stop by to wish this awesome family a farewell! 

I will be away this Saturday so I will not be able to stick around and answer any questions regarding the Open.  Please just sing up and ask questions later- like even tomorrow (Friday) night.  

3x 250m Row 
1 round of "Cindy" 

Build up to reasonable weights for the WOD 

1.5xBW Deadlift 
BW Bench Press 
.75xBW Squat clean 
30 min time cap 

Group stretch 

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

If you have singed up for the CrossFit open please add your name to the list at the gym so we can get some heats going for next Friday!! If you have not yet signed up for the Open- head over to and register now! 

5 min double under latter 
10,20,30,40,50 unbroken 
Burgner warm up 
Snatch drills 

I. 5 Min AMRAP Strict HSPU
II. 1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch EMOM for 10min 

II. 12-9-6-3 
Toes through rings 
Burpee box jumps 

Rest 5 min 

I. 3 min AMRAP
Alt. Dumbell snatch 35/50 

Walk 400m 
Clam shell x 25 per side 
Banded pigeon 

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Wednesday February 18th 2015

Run 1 mile 
Coach's choice dynamic 

Death by T2B

500 Row 
50 Squats 
50 Push ups 

Walk 400m 
Banded lat pull downs x 50 
Sub scap smash 

Monday, 16 February 2015

We had a great turn out for the Family Day WOD today! Thanks to everyone that came out and made my morning super fun! 

Just a reminder that we will be having the Hallden farewell potluck this Friday at 6 is.  Please bring a healthyish dish to share and the recipe.  If you bring chocolate, chocolate cake, or chocolate chips you will still be allowed in. Also beer wine and any other liquid is acceptable.  If you are unsure what to bring meat is a pretty simple staple in the Paleo diet.  

5 min aerobic warm up
3 position shoulder stretch 
10 hollow rocks 
20 Bar taps
30 second bottom front squat position with an empty bar 

Thruster+ Push Jerk + Split jerk =1 
Build to a heavy single without dropping the bar througout the complex

10 min AMRAP
15 unbroken double unders 
15 Wall ball shots 14/20 

Row 500m at an easy pace  
Seated dumbbell external rotation x 6/side x3 
Double bully 

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Monday February 16th 2015

In lieu of Family Day we will have one class at 10am Monday February 16th 2015.  Please feel free to bring any Family members or friends for FREE even if they are a little CrossFit shy! 

Coach's choice dynamic 

15 min working on your goats.  

4 RFT 
4  Piggy back shuttle runs 
6 Alternating partner wall walks 
8 Med ball pass sit ups 
10 over your partner burpees 

Friday, 13 February 2015

Saturday February 14th 2015

A fun partner WOD for Valentines day! 

Run 800m if there is no wind 
Coach's choice dynamic 
Barbel complex review 

7 rounds for max load 
1 clean + 1 hang clean+ 1 Push Jerk+ 1 Split jerk 

3 Rounds for max reps with a partner  
Partner A Rows 500m 
Partner B AMRAP Clean and Jerk 
Partner B Rows 500m 
Partner A AMRAP Clean and Jerk 

Group stretch 

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Happy Birthday to Greg Walter today!! I feel very lucky to coach Greg and watch him transform over the past year.  When Greg came into CrossFit just over a year ago he could barely squat his body weight, deadlifted 165# and his pull ups were non existent.  Today Greg squats well into the 200's, Deadlifts 400# and is stringing pull ups together.  Way to go Greg, keep up with good work, you are getting better with age! We will celebrated Greg's Birthday with a social WOD tonight (Friday)  and dinner and drinks to follow.  

3 rounds 
10 shuttle runs
20 second bar hold 
30 second HS hold 
40 Second bottom squat position 

Build up to strength numbers for the WOD 

EMOM for 30 min 
1st min. Bench Press 90%
2nd min. Max unbroken CTB 
3rd min. Max unbroken kipping HSPU 
4th min . Back squat 90% 
5th. Max unbroken ring dips 

Group stretch + Greg's birthday bumps 

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Thursday February 12th 2015

Happy Birthday to Shannon Mitchell today! We will celebrate with this special little WOD

1 Turkish get EMOMx10 25/35 
Double under work 
Burgner warm up 

1 clean + 1 push press+1 Push jerk +1 Split jerk EMOMx10 

38 Unbroken double unders 
19 KBS 35/50
38 Unbroken double unders 
19 Sit ups 

*10 min time cap 

Lat pull downs x50 
Calf smash 
Banded pigeon 

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Wednesday February 10th 2015

5 min AMRAP 
Row 250m
25 Bar taps 
5 V ups  

Burgner warm up 

A.1 Snatch+ 1 Hang Snatch EMOM for 10 min 
B. 4 Snatch Balance EMOM for 8 min 

6 min AMRAP
Burpees to a 6" target 

500m row at an easy pace 
15 Clam shells per side x 3 
Double bully 

Monday, 9 February 2015

Tuesday February 10th 2015

Death by shuttle runs 
Coach's choice dynamic 

Weighted pull ups 

Death by ring dips 

10 min AMRAP
10 Wall ball shots 
10 Toes through rings 

Side lying powell raise on bench 3x5 per side 
Tricep smash and stretch 

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Monday February 9th 2015

We had a great turn out to the double under clinic this Satruday.  I hope you all got some tips to help not only your double unders but your overall performance.  

We will be having an extra special social WOD this Friday to celebrate Greg Walters Birthday! Please join us at 6ish for a fun team WOD and drinks and dinner to follow.  

I will have two  sign up sheets up by the fountain- one for anyone looking to volunteer for the Wild Rose Rough Runner and the other for the CrossFit open.  I need everyone who is  participating in this years open  to please sign up and record when you can do your open WOD so we can organize enough judges.  We also need judges! If you are interested in judging you will need to complete the online judges course, it  can be found here.  The open truly is the most exciting time of the year around our gym and I can not wait for you all to experience it.  The last few weeks we have been preparing for the open by completing a few of the previous open WOD's.  We are going to lay off of that now so our bodies can rest up and be ready to get worked over during the open. Instead we will be focusing on a lot of skill work and conditioning.  I plan to do small workshop on what to expect from the open Saturday the 21st for those of you that have any questions or need more information.  

500m row 
2X 10 WBS 
       10 Hollow Rocks 
       10 Push ups 

Lunges in Front rack postion 10-8-6-4/leg 

Strict Press build to a heavy triple while remaining braced 

Push press 
Box jump overs 20/24 

400m walk 
Seated DB ext rotation 3x6/side 
Banded shoulder stretches 

Friday, 6 February 2015

Saturday February 7th 2015

Don't forget about our double under clinic tomorrow (Saturday) at 11am.  We will review the goal setting clinic we did back in January right off the hop and then get right into double unders.  Please bring your rope if you own one and $10.  

Death by shuttle runs 
3 rounds of 5 beat swings, 10 hollow rocks, 15 air squats 
Burgner warm up 

Strict Pull ups 3x max reps. 1 min rest between rounds 
Strict Ring dips 3x max reps. 1 min rest between rounds 

15 min EMOM 
1 Deadlift
1 Squat clean 
2 Front squat 
1 Jerk 

Group stretch- maaaaybe someone will bring fresh coffee for this...... 

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Friday February 6th 2015

Amazing job to everyone that completed 14.4, we saw some amazing PR's!! 

5 min aerobic warm up 
group joint warm up 
3 postion band stretch 
25 Banded squats 

Back squat 

Bench Press 
25 Push ups
50 Double unders 
* 15 min time cap 

Friday group stretch

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Thursday February 5th 2015

Each Thursday we have been hitting some of the past open workouts to help you all prepare for the workouts this year.  I hope that by either repeating some of the past workouts, or completing  them for the first time, you will be encouraged to sign up this year.  Below is a link to the standards from last year.  Check it out.  

Coach's choice dynamic 
6 min AMRAP250m row 3 wall walks or Handstand walks, 5 beat swings,  5 wall ball shots 
Burgner warm up 

Deadlift build to a 3RM

Strict Handstand push ups 1-5 EMOM for 5 min 

14 min AMRAP 
60 Cal row 
50 T2B
40 Wall balls 14/20 9'target/ 10' target 
30 Cleans 95/135
20 Muscle ups 

Easy walk 5 min 
Powell raises 6 per side x 3 
Hamstring stretch up rig 2 min per side 

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Wednesday February 4th 2015

Double under work 
Group joint warm up 
Burgner warm up 

1 Snatch EMOM for 10 min at 80 % of 1 RM

100 Double unders
21 Burpees to a 6" target 
75 Double unders 
15 Burpees to a 6" target 
50 Double unders 
9 Burpees to a 6" target
25 Double unders 
3 Burpees to a 6" target 

* 10 min time cap 

5 min easy walk 
Calf smash 
Bully stretch 

Monday, 2 February 2015

Tuesday February 3rd 2015

Have you signed up for the CrossFit open yet? Click  Here for the link! 

5 min aeorobic 
coach's choice dynamic 
3 rounds 
1-5 CTB/ Muscle ups, 10 hand release push up, 15 jumping air squats 

Weighted False grip pull up 

Weighted Ring dips 

Toes through rings 
Box jump overs 

Row 500m at an easy pace 
Clam shells 3x 15 per leg 
Pec stretch on foam roller 

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Monday February 2nd 2015

February is here and that means the CrossFit open is less than 25 days away!! The open is the most exciting time of year for a CrossFiter.  The open brings us together as a community when we complete the WOD's together and do things we never thought possible.  If you are not sure what the open is all about, I will be posting plenty of links to help you get a better understanding, speak to your coach's about it and they will help guide you in the right direction to sign up.  If you are on the fence about signing up you should just head over to and get it over with, there is nothing to be afraid of and you will learn SO much more about this sport.  I fall in love with CrossFit a little more every year that I participate.  Some cool changes this year are the Scaled and teens division, as well as the RX'd so really, you have no excuse not to sign up. In case you are STILL thinking about signing up, each persons score from our gym goes toward our team score giving us a better chance of putting in a regional team.  Do it for the community!! 

A few dates to keep in mind this month- 

February 7th at 11am- Double under Clinic  and a brief re do of the goal setting workshop in case you missed it.  Cost is $10 per person.  

Friday February 20th- Craig and Marcy's going away Potluck will be at 6 ish.  Please bring a Paleo dish and the recipe to go with it so we can all get some fresh ideas. 

February 26th- First Open WOD will be announced, we will be watching the announcement every Thursday for 5 weeks at 5pm at the gym, and then those that are doing the open can do the WOD Friday night.  Coach's will be doing there WOD's Saturday's at 11 so come cheer!  

5 min aerobic warm up 
Bracing sequence 
1 Turkish get up per side EMOM for 10 min 25/35

OH Walking lunges in Jerk grip 10-10-10-10-10 

5-7 Russian Swings EMOM for 7 min 50/70 

7 min AMRAP
7 Med ball cleans 
7 Burpees 

i's,y's,t's - 10 at each position x 5 
Banded shoulder stretch 2 min per side