Tuesday WOD and it is a good one! There are a few things intensity does to us; pulls out our weaknesses mechanically as well as mentally. Think about it; we bend over to pick up a piece of garbage off the ground without thinking about it. We load 300 pounds on a bar and suddenly we start to think more about the way we move. Half way through a WOD we may start to question our sanity. Why am I here? Can I finish this workout? In both aspects we are forced to deal with ourselves. Our (possibly) crappy mechanics, and our conscience. CrossFit is not easy. No one said it was. To everyone that resists hitting snooze, or "getting lost" on a 400m run around the block, to everyone that works with there aches and pains and tries to find a solution or a way to heal themselves. Good work, I am so lucky to work with each and every one of you. I saw this quote and thought I would share
"Welcome to a community of people who have decided that easy will no longer suffice"
That is our community!
Skill: Deadlift
Strength: 1RM Deadlift
Fight gone bad style;
Sumo Deadlift to high pull 55#/75#
Sit ups
Box Hops 18#/20#
Pistols - Alternating legs
KB swings 35#/50#
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