Saturday, 31 May 2014

Saturday May 31

Good luck to all of our Mud Sweat and tears racers today!! Show em what we are made of! 

1 mile run 
Burgener warm up
10 spider walks 
10 double unders 
10 goblet squats 

Snatch 5x1
Build up to 75% of your 1 RM 

At 75% of your 1 RM; 
4 RFT 
10 snatch 
30 double unders 

Row 500m at a 2:20 pace 
Calf smash 
Banded shoulder stretch  

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Friday May 30th 2014

1 mile run 
Ankle mobility 
10 beat swings
10 Burpee broad jumps 
30 sec handstand hold 

10 Pistols 
5 Strict HSPU 

Box jumps 
Toes to bar 
2 lengths Samson stretch 
Groin stretch 3 min 

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Thursday May 29th 2014

It seems like things are going good and the world is loving CrossFit and then WHAM someone posts an article on how irresponsible CrossFit is or how dangerous it is or how it's a cult. I'm not sure if people are just insecure about the current program they are following or feel the need to be negative but it really bites for us that live and breathe CrossFit. We can get defensive and down right pissed off; and for a good reason- we love it! With every negative article written there are 100 more written praising CrossFit so I'm not sure if some of the nay Sayers think they are doing the world a favor by  writing the article that is going to destroy CrossFit and shut down more than 1000 affiliates world wide. It's not. I suggest we handle this just like we would handle any tough WOD; with integrity and grace! 

June is Athletic Therapy Month, to celebrate Jill will be offering FREE functional movement screens every Thursday! This 10 min test will help you understand some of the possible muscle imbalances in our bodies as well as give your coaches some insight to help you move better. There will be a sign up sheet by the fountain each week. Just write your name into a time slot to get your free functional movement screen! 

Sue will be doing some Yin yoga at 6 am tomorrow. It's an awesome way to start the day and balance out our training! Please bring a towel if you would like to participate! 

 I will be doing some lifting at noon tomorrow and then around for open gym from 4-6 tomorrow night if anyone wants to come in and work on skills or make up a WOD. 

Sign up for the summer games! 

Thursday May 29th 2014

It seems like things are going good and the world is loving CrossFit and then WHAM someone posts an article on how irresponsible CrossFit is or how dangerous it is or how it's a cult. I'm not sure if people are just insecure about the current program they are following or feel the need to be negative but it really bites for us that live and breathe CrossFit. We can get defensive and down right pissed off; and for a good reason- we love it! With every negative article written there are 100 more written praising CrossFit so I'm not sure if some of the nay Sayers think they are doing the world a favor by  writing the article that is going to destroy CrossFit and shut down more than 1000 affiliates world wide. It's not. I suggest we handle this just like we would handle any tough WOD; with integrity and grace! 

June is Athletic Therapy Month, to celebrate Jill will be offering FREE functional movement screens every Thursday! This 10 min test will help you understand some of the possible muscle imbalances in our bodies as well as give your coaches some insight to help you move better. There will be a sign up sheet by the fountain each week. Just write your name into a time slot to get your free functional movement screen! 

Sue will be doing some Yin yoga at 6 am tomorrow. It's an awesome way to start the day and balance out our training! Please bring a towel if you would like to participate! 

 I will be doing some lifting at noon tomorrow and then around for open gym from 4-6 tomorrow night if anyone wants to come in and work on skills or make up a WOD. 

Sign up for the summer games! 

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Wednesday May 28th 2014

A few things; 
- There is a beginner weightlifting workshop and competition being held at Action Conditioning This Saturday. Details are on a poster hanging by the fountain. 

- The healthy livening challenge is starting next week and it would be great to put a team or three in. Teams are 5-10 people, lets get involved and represent CFPC 

- SUMMER GAMES. Why has have only 4 people from Pincher Creek signed up? I have to say I'm pretty disappointed. It's a pretty big deal that CrossFit has been included in the summer games, let alone at our home gym. We need some people to step up and represent CrossFit Pincher Creek. 

Foam roll legs and thruster parts 
Jog up to the track 
Dynamic warm up 

10x 50m sprints 

Jog back to the gym 
Hollow body holds
Bottom squat position 

Monday, 26 May 2014

Tuesday May 27th 2014

5 min skipping 
5 wall ball shots 
10 double unders 
30 second handstand hold 

Work on HSPU for 15 min 

10 Min EMOM 
5 thrusters and 20 double unders 

Calf smash 
Ankle mobility with weight plate 

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Monday May 26 2014

What an awesome weekend at the CrossFit kids certification. I am always amazed at the vast amount of knowledge the instructors posses and are able to share with us. The weekend was all about grabbing kids while they are young and building on the primal movements  to lead to better functioning individuals- before we go and forget them! You will be happy to know that this is a de -loading week and a great time to try out some of the AWESOME games I learned this weekend and to come back to some of the foundational movements. I think we can all see from the regional results how important it is to master the CrossFit hierarchy- Nutrition- gymnastics- met con- weightlifting then sport. MANY big name athletes did not make the cut this year and I believe that it is because CrossFit did things differently this year- took it back to the basics -Gymnastics- after having my thruster ripped apart all weekend I know exactly what I will be working on- front squatting PVC!! 

Run 1 mile
Bar wars 
10 jump squat 
10  sec ring hold 
10 sec chin over bar hold 

3 position snatch- barbel only 

5 rounds for quality; 
5 Strict Pull ups 
5 Strict ring dips 
5\10 Push ups 
5 strict T2B 

Row 500m 
25 GHD.  Back ext 
25 GHD sit ups 

Friday, 23 May 2014

Saturday May 24th

I will be away at the CrossFit Kids certification this weekend so there will be no 9 am mobility class. I'm looking foreword to coming home with some new tools for all of our awesome CFPC kids!!! 
Run 1 mile 
Bulletproof shoulders 

3 position snatch x 5 - build as you go 

12 min EMOM 
Odd- 1 hang snatch + 2 OH squat 
Even- 10 wall balls 

2 lengths Samson stretch 
Alexander shoulder stretch 

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Friday May 23rd 2014

Junkyard dog 
5 Romainian Deadlift 
5 Hang clean 
5 Front squat

Olympic clean and jerk- build to a 3RM 

20 min AMRAP 
400m Run 
15 squat clean 85/115
15 Burpees 

Row 500m 
Couch stretch 2 min per side 

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Wednesday May 21 2014

30 sec handstand hold 
20 double unders 
10 Beat swing 

12 min AMRAP 
odd-  1-5 CTB 
even- 1-5 strict ring dips 

KB swings 
Goblet squats 35/50 

Walk 400m 

Monday, 19 May 2014

Tuesday May 20th 2014

As a group make your way up to the track
Dynamic Warm up

4x 400m Sprints
* Record your best time

Walk or light job back to the gym
25 GHD Sit ups
25 GHD Back Extentions
Pigeon pose- 2 min per side

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Monday May 19th

One year ago we started getting together on the holiday Mondays to do hero WOD's together. We started with this little number... If any of you have watched the movie made in honor of this fine fellow you will work even harder tomorrow and leave it all on the floor. 

Run 1 mile 
100 pull ups 
200 push ups 
300 air squat
Run 1 mile 

"Mini murph" 
Run 800m 
50 pull ups
100 push ups 
150 Air squats 
Run 800m

* partition reps how ever you would like 
** if you have a 20 lbs best wear it 

Friday, 16 May 2014

Saturday May 17th

Just a reminder we will be closed Monday for the holiday but we will be doing a Hero WOD at 10 am. Believe me this is one you do no want to miss! 

Run 1 mile 
30 second handstand hold 
20 push press from back 
10 jump lunges 

6x3 split jerk 

3 RFT 
10 pull ups 
20 Burpees 
30 doubles 

Walk 400m 
Brettzle stretch 

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Friday May 16th

5 min skipping 
5 box jump 
5 KBS 
5 wall balls 
5 back ext 

50 Box jumps 20/24 
50 Jumping pull ups 
50 KettleBell swings 
50 walking lunge 
50 K2E 
50 Push press 45 
50 back ext/ good mornings 
50 wall balls 
50 Burpees 
50 double unders 

Lay on the floor 
Stretch out 

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Wednesday May 14th

Run 1 mile 
Bulletproof shoulders 

10 min EMOM 
1 snatch balance + 2 overhead squats.

10 min AMRAP 
1 power snatch with above weight 
1 muscle up/ CTB/ pull up 
2 power snatch 
2 M.U/ CTB/ pull up 
3 etc until time cap or failure 

Alexander shoulder stretch 
Low back stretches. 

Monday, 12 May 2014

Tuesday May 13 2014

Run 1 mile 
Dynamic shoulder stretches 
Double under practice 

12 min EMOM 
Odd- 1-5 CTB 
Even- 1-5 strict ring dip 

Double unders 
Sit ups 

Roll out calves 

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Monday May 12 2014

Congratulations to everyone that completed the spartan this weekend! I hope you had a great time and are ready to sign up for next year!! I spent the weekend getting caught up on a few things and watching Regionals! 

Ankle mobility
Coach's choice dynamic 
10x foot work drills 

7x1 back squat 
* build to a 1 RM 

At 70% of above; 
400m run 
21 back squat 
400m Run 
15 back squat 
400m run 
9 back squat 

500m row at a 2:15-2:20 pace 
Couch stretch 2 min per side 

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Saturday May 10 2014

Good luck to everyone doing the Spartan in Kalispell this weekend! 

1500m row 
Bulletproof shoulders 
Burgner warm up 

6x2 Split Jerk 

10 min EMOM
1 Hang snatch + 1 Snatch at 80% of 1RM snatch 

Chest mobility 

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Friday May 9th 2014

5 min light skipping 
Burgner warm up-cleans 
Split jerk footwork review 

7x1 Clean and Jerk
* build to a 1rm 

At 85% of above; 
10 Rounds for time 
2 clean and jerk 
4 pull ups 
8 Air squats 
10 Doubles 

Walk 400m 
Calf smash 

Thursday May 8 2014

Open gym 
6am- 8am

I will be in working out at noon if anyone cares to join me. I will be working on some strength stuff again at 4:00. Open gym is a time to come in and work on weaknesses, make up a WOD or just come in and mobilize and socialize! 

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Wednesday May 7th 2014

Who's ready for spartan this weekend? 28 people from our gym have signed up... That is AWEsome!! 

Run 1 mile 
L- pass through's 
2x 20 second holds 
Jump to support 
Active hang 
Bottom squat

12 min EMOM 
1-5 strict pull ups 
1-5 strict ring dips 

2 Strict HSPU 
4 Pistols 
6 Burpees 

Hollow body x3 
Banded hip stretch 

Monday, 5 May 2014

Tuesday May 6th 2014

Run 1 mile 
Burgner warm up
3 position snatch review 

5x 3 position snatch 
* build as you go 

Run 400m 
15 overhead squat 65/95 

Thread the needle 
Alexander shoulder stretch 

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Monday May 5th 2014

Shoulder/ hip mobility 
Burgner warm up- cleans 
10 Back ext 
10 wall ball shots 
10 push ups

5x3 Deadlift 

Run 800m
10 Goblet squat 
10 T2B 

Walk 400m 
Bottom squat position 

Saturday, 3 May 2014

May 3 2014

1500m row 
Bulletproof shoulder routine 
Burgner warm up 
Skill transfer exercises 

6x2 Snatch at 75-77%

2 min ankle mobility- switch it up 
2 min bottom squat 

Friday, 2 May 2014

Saturday May 3 2014

There will be a 9 am mobility class! 

Run 1 mile 
Bulletproof shoulders 
Burgner warm up 
Skill transfer exercises

6x2 Snatch @ 77% 
6x2 clean and jerk @ 77% 

Row 500m at an easy pace 
Bottom squat position 

Thursday, 1 May 2014

May 2 2014

Row 500m 
10 wall ball 
10 push press with dowel 
10 box jump 
10 SDHP 

" Fight Gone Bad" 
With a continuous running clock perform as many reps as possible in one minute of the following; 

Wall balls 14/20 
SDHP 55/75 
Box jumps 20/24 
Push press 55/75
Row for calories 

* Score is the total amount of reps. Record results after each round 

400 m walk 
10 pass through's 
Thread the needle