I have just finished the CrossFit Judging course and am part way through a mobility seminar with Kelly Startett. The information in these two courses has been fascinating and with it you should expect a whole new demand from me as a coach. That may scare some of you knowing there will be several more NO REPS but the reality is I am not doing this to be a dragon master. I am doing this to help you preform better, weather that be in your next race or into your retirement. Doing CrossFit properly pulls out ALL of our in inefficient movement patters and its my job to not allow you get away with crappy movement patterns. After all that is not allowing you to unleash your full human potential!! If you are reading this and doing the WOD's on your own thinking you are doing CrossFit; you are wrong.... SO WRONG. Spend more time moving better and I assure you you will be amazed at what you are capable of lifting, throwing, moving and doing.
Tomorrows WOD
15 Min AMRAP
5 Push press
10 Toes to bar
20 Double unders
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