Thursday, 28 February 2013

Friday March 1st 2013

It's March already! We have a few announcements for this month. First off March fees are due, second we have 6 am classes running Monday - Friday now so we can train a little harder and accommodate our ever expanding morning class. Lastly we have extended the recipe challenge until the end of March.  If you have a paleo recipe you would like to share please submit it online so we can post it on the website and give everyone more ideas on how to implement a whole foods diet!

For tomorrow; 
Work on some skills; 
Ring dips
Pull ups 

Snatch Balance 
KB Swings 

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Wed Feb.27,2013

Prepping for the open? Make sure we are all working on technique before adding weight the dividends will be immense. We all want to be better at something so pick a weakness and start from scratch. Practice the basics and see what happens. 

Some things they say come in three's, well not today! Today it comes in fives.


20 min AMRAP with a burpee twist

5 double unders
10 hang cleans (65#/95#)
15 squats
20 situps

however on minute 5, 10,and 15 you will stop in the middle of where you are and proceed to do as many burpees as you can for that minute and then pick right up where you left off in the AMRAP

score will be total number of rounds completed plus total burpees.


Monday, 25 February 2013

Tuesday February 26 2013

A) Practice the Turkish Get up 

B) 6RFT 
3 Overhead Squats 
6 Pull ups 

Sunday, 24 February 2013

February 25 2013


"Fight Gone Bad"
Wall Balls 14/20
SDHP 53/75
Box Hop
Push Press 53/75

Muscle up work 

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Friday February 22 2013

Workouts like "Diane" and yesterday's 10 rounds of Toes to Bar and Wall balls may have a few of you feeling frustrated with what you feel you can not do.  No matter who you are CrossFit has a way of exposing  your weaknesses.  While some may see this as threat, others will see it as an opportunity to grow and expand as an athlete as well as a person.  We all have a choice to face our weaknesses or ignore them; keep practicing and in time your bodies will become more efficient machines able to accomplish more things in less time. 


Handstand Push ups 
Deadlift 155/225

Its Friday... work on your weaknesses and spend more time than normal stretching and mobilizing. 

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Read this today and had to share it!! 

"We welcome anyone and everyone! You do not have to be in shape or fit to belong to our Tribe. You do not need A plastic membership card to get through the door. You are not just another face. You are not what you can do or what you can’t do.You are not the word Can’t. You are not the person who cut you off in traffic earlier today. You are not the argument you just had before you came. You are not… your Fran time. You are an athlete. You do belong. You are stronger than you know and will do things you never dreamed of doing! You are the fire inside! You are the desire to get better! You are the best you can be today, but not as good as you will be tomorrow! You are your effort! You are your heart! You are your best friend’s best friend! You are someone’s inspiration! You are the reason someone didn’t give up! You are special! You are Spartan’s! You are Family!!" - Spartan CrossFit

Double unders 
KB swings 

Spend time working on the bar.  Getting really good at Knees to elbows and toes to bar improves your kipping pull ups! 

Monday, 18 February 2013

Tuesday February 19th 2013

We had an awesome turn out today for our holiday Monday workout! Awesome job to everyone that came out and sweated with us before enjoying the day off! I hope you all got to spend some time with your families today! 

For tomorrow;

A) Clean and 2 front squats EMOM for 10 min 

B) Broad jump test.  Complete 4 broad jumps and record your best distance. 

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Monday February 18th 2013

Tomorrow is Family Day, so for those of you that want to come in a bit later we are doing a WOD at 10 as well as the 6 am class. Are you preparing for the CROSSFIT open? Log on to our website and click the comments icon and tell us how your doing this. Over the next week we'll be sharing our prep techniques and how to have fun with this yearly event.

For time:
60 Sit ups 
50 Push ups 
40 OH Squats 
30 KB Swings 
20 Pull ups 
10 Pistols 


Find a 1RM for front squat.  

Thursday, 14 February 2013

February 15 2013

I hope you all got some love today... and maybe even some chocolate!! For tomorrow... 

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 Min of;

15 Deadlifts 
10 Pistols 
5 Ring Dips/ Tricep dips 

Kipping pull up work 

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Thursday February 14 2013

Partner Love WOD.  Work out with your loved one.. Bring your spouse, child, friend in for a free workout and share the love of FRAN. 

"Partner Fran" 
Pull ups

One person will complete the first set, 21 thrusters and 21 pull ups while the other partner holds bottom squat position.  Both partners must complete all 45 reps.  If the 9 am class doesn't mind Jason and I will be doing this WOD with you tomorrow :-) 

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Wednesday February 13 2013

There is a tonne of excitement about the open and I think it is awesome!! Now more than ever I hope everyone starts to get the idea of practicing CrossFit.  None of these things come easy... overhead squatting , double unders, toes to bar whatever your goat is practice, practice practice and then practice some more until you suck less!

For tomorrow we will do just that.


Group A- Work on Handstand push ups for 10 min
Group B- In 10 min find a one rep max for overhead squat
Group C- In 10 min work on box hope technique 

Monday, 11 February 2013

Tuesday February 12 2013

Today was another butt kicker but with the up coming games season approaching us I suggest you get used to it! I am so impressed with everyone that has signed up for the open.  I think it is a great way to amp up your training and learn a lot about who you are and what you are made of! 


A) Tabata;
Med Ball cleans 
1 Min rest 
Pull ups
1 Min Rest 
Push ups 
1 Min Rest 
Sit ups 

B) Front Squat 5x5 

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Monday February 11 2013

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and were able to get outside and enjoy some of this awesome weather! For tomorrow... 

2 Rounds for Time 
100 Double unders 
50 Shoulder to overhead 65/95
25 Toes to Bar 

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Friday February 8 2013


Run 400m 
1000 lbs Push press 
Run 400m
100 Sit ups 
Run 400m
10 Knees to Elbows 
Run 400m
1 Rope climb 

The goal for push press is to lift 1000 lbs before heading out the door for your next 400m run.  Whether you do it at 100lbs for 10 reps or 50lbs for 20 is up to you. Maybe Arnold will show up tomorrow and toss 1000lbs over his head but for the rest of us strategize in your dreams tonight! 

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Thursday February 07 2013

My Internet was down for some odd reason yesterday so I apologize for not posting today's WOD.  There is a link up now for registering for the open on our home page. Check it out... if you think you can not register, think again.  The main reason for entering is to get a sense of where you are at now, and what other athletes are achieving.  Who knows what next year will bring!! 


12KB Swings 50/35
20 Air Squats 

Monday, 4 February 2013

February 5 2013

Today's WOD was honestly the hardest WOD I have ever done.  I am not sure if I was just totally taxed mentally and physically or if it was the thrusters and burpees combined in the worst way possible.  AWESOME job to everyone that completed it... epsecilly the new girls!!

Overhead squats 
Hang Snatch 

Sunday, 3 February 2013

February 4 2013

I thought this would be fitting after Super Bowl Sunday and the sad loss of the 49'ers 

On the Minute 
5 Burpees 
Max Rep Thrusters 

Continue until you have reached 100 Thrusters.