Sunday, 9 February 2014

Monday February 10th 2014

What a beautiful weekend! We had the opportunity to have Joe Stockinger come in Saturday morning and help us with our Olympic Lifting. I have learned a lot from Joe and I hope those of you that we're able to make it learnt a lot as well. I would've to continue Saturday's at 11 as an unofficial Olympic Lifting session. Jason, Marcy and I are taking our Oly certification in April and look foreword to sharing our knowledge with anyone that wants to learn more about the lifts. It was very nice of Joe to give us a hand and he said we have a lot of potential in our little gym, a great Foundation. He will stop in and help us out whenever he can. 

There are a few changes happening around the gym in response to the January survey. First off we have opened up te noon hour class to 5 days a week now, we will be extending the 7:30 to four days a week in March. Open gym hours will be anytime when classes are not running. Saturdays we will be open 10-4 with Yoga starting Saturdays at 9 am in May. Sundays we will be closed. For my own personal sanity I need I one day a week that I don't think about the gym or have the responsibility of opening/closing or cleaning it. I hope you can all understand, get outside do something with your family's on Sunday and start fresh again on Monday. 

Family day is next Monday, we will be having a regular WOD at 9 am and a FUN but challenging family WOD at 10 am. Bring your kiddos and your significant others even if they do not CrossFit! 

Lastly there has been some changes to programming ti better accommodate the different skill levels in our gym.  For the strength/ skill component we will have three different category's; mechanics, consistency and intensity. Depending where you are at with a certain skill or strength, YOUR COACH's will determine what group you fall into for that particular workout. For the CONDITIONING component of the workout there will be a WOD and a FOUNDATIONS. Again YOUR COACH's will determine what WOD you will do.  The purpose of this is to ensure everyone is working within there abilities and building the strength/ skills to do some if the movements. Again the scaled or modified exercises are prescribed to help you get closer to doing the workouts Rx'd and to ensure a more equal representation of what is recorded on the whiteboard. It's unfair that Joe Schmo had a better score than Rich Fronning because he never touched his toes to the bar once. Get it?  Do not argue with your Coach's. they know more than you and deserve trust and respect. 

Hamstring smash 
Hip openers 
5x5 second Air squat 
25 leg raises per side
3x 10 second hollow body hold 

Work on back squat

Work up to a 1 RM back squat 

Back squat 
5x5 @ 83% 

Air squat 
Push ups 
Hollow Rocks 
* rest 1 min between exercises 

Ring rows 
Air squats 
Push ups 
Hollow body holds 

25 leg raises per side 
Banded lying squat 

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