Sunday, 30 November 2014

December 1 2014

We are offering a 10% discount for the month of December! Since we miss a few classes this month with all the holidays we like to offer a bit of a discount to encourage you all to stick with your fitness throughout this busy season! 

Please sign up for our Christmas Party this Friday December 5th at 5:30 isn  Sign up sheet is by the fountain!

5 min monostrucutal 
Coach's choice dynamic 
5 Min shoulder mobility 
Burgner warm up 

Split Jerk 

Overhead Squat 

Alternating Tabata 
Push Press 65/95
Double unders 

500m row 
50 Wall slides 
Double bully 

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Friday November 28th 2014

There will be a sign up sheet by the fountain for our Customer appreciation  party next Friday December 5th! Please sign up so I know who is coming and what to plan for. Hope to see you all there!

5 min mono structural 
Coach's choice dynamic 
Overhead prep 
Burgner warm up 
3 Position snatch 

Back Squat 3x5 
* Add5# to last week 


3x500m Row 
* Record all three times 

Group stretch 

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Thursday November 27th 2014

Saturday's class time has been changed from 10am to 9am.  We will be doing a hero WOD in memory of Nathan Cirillo and Patrice Vincent.  Please share this with any one that may be interested in participating.  

5 min AMRAP
20 shuttle runs 
10 Push ups 
5 Broad jumps 

Ankle mobility 

Burgner warm up 
3 Position Clean 

Clean and Jerk 

Clean Pull 

Using the same barbell; 
4 min AMRAP
3 Hang power cleans 95/135
6 Lateral Burpees 

 Rest 2 min 

6 Deadlifts 95/135
9 Box Jumps 

Row 500m 
25 Banded good mornings 
Banded Hamtring distraction 

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Wednesday November 26th 2014

It is the lovely Angela Walters birthday today! Happy Birthday Angela, thank you for being such a hard worker and for putting up with Greg.  I have a fun little workout planned for Angela but we will be doing it on Saturday at 5:00 and then heading out for some dinner and birthday beverages afterword.  Please join us if you can!! 

No swimming today- there are a few too many lessons happening though out the day so we will pick it up again next week. 

5 min mono structural 
coach's choice dynamic 
Ankle mobility 
Kettle bell review 

10 min EMOM
Odd- 1-5 strict pull ups/ weighted pull ups  
Even- max unbroken HSPU 

100 Kettle bell swings for time 35/50
At the top of each minute stop and do 20 double unders 

Calf smash 
Calf stretch on rig 2 min per side 

Monday, 24 November 2014

Tuesday November 25th 2014

It looks like the hoodies and tanks are on their way! If you have  not yet settled up for your order please do so soon! Also we will be putting in an order for T shirts and toques so please fill out a form if you would like any.  They do make great Christmas gifts :-)

Speaking of Christmas gifts, I am also putting in an order with Rogue so if you need any stocking stuffers for anyone - or yourself - please let me know what you would like! 

5 min mono structural 
Coach's choice dynamic 
Bottom squat prep 2 min per side 

Pause squats 
3x4 @ 60% with a 5 second pause in the bottom 
* No bouncing out of the hole


Tabata of;
Ring push ups 
Pistols or air squats 
Inverted burpees 
Sit ups 

2 lengths samson stretch 
25 Back extensions 
Couch stretch 2 min per side 

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Monday November 24th 2014

Congratulations to Angela Walter!! You won the door prize from the open house on Friday night! Your price is a pair of rock guards to I expect you to climb the rope before the end of the year :-)

I would like to have a customer appreciation WOD and small gathering Friday December 5th from 6 until whenever.  Please let me know if this date works for you, I would like to bring some food in so I need an idea of who can make tit!

Overhead prep 
Alternating Tabata- overhead squat position/ mountain climbers 
Plank complex 
Burgner Warm up 

Split Jerk 

20 min EMOTM 
Odd- 1 Snatch push press+ 1 Santch Balance + 2 OHS
Even- Max pull ups 

*Not from rack 
** Record total pull ups 

Row 500m 
50 wall slides 
Double bully stretch 

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Thank you to everyone that came out to our open house last night.  The WOD looked super fun!! I hope you all enjoyed your selvs and had a chance to enjoy some healthy treats!
We will continue on with our Hero WOD Saturday's  for two more Saturday's after today as there are some Hero WOD's I feel are really important to complete.  
Wall Balls (20/14)
Box Jump (24/20)
KBS (24/16)
U.S. Army Specialist Scott Morrison, 23, of Blue Ash, Ohio, assigned to 584th Mobility Augmentation Company, 20th Engineer Battalion, 36th Engineer Brigade, based out of Fort Hood, Texas, died on September 26, 2010, from injuries suffered on September 25 when insurgents in Kandahar, Afghanistan attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his father Donald, mother Susan, brother Gary, and sister Katie.Michele Smeh

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Friday November 21st 2014

The Parade of lights is starting at 6:15pm tomorrow night and many of us would like to take our little ones to see the lights! We will be having our open house/ team workout from 5-6pm but if there are a few of you looking to stay later you are more than welcome! Again please feel free to bring any friends or anyone that is interested in CrossFit.

5 min monostructural 
Coach's choice dynamic 
Overhead prep
Burgner warm up 
3 position snatch 

Back Squat 3x5 
* Add 5# to last week 


In teams max row for distance in 10 min 
Start thinking of your team name now.. it is mandatory!! 

Group stretch 

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Thursday November 20th 2014

We will be having a bit of an open house Friday night from 5-7.  It is midnight madness around town Friday night so I thought it would be cool to have some open gym along with some fun mini competitions and then a team WOD from 6-7.  If you know of anyone that is interested in CrossFit please bring them along or send them down! Danielle is making some tasty treats to lure some people into our cult... I mean facility.  

Just a note to please be careful with the new bumper plates.  Those high temp plates are a little bouncier than what we are used to! We will be informing a "guide it down" rule, meaning we need to keep a hand on the barbel to keep it from bouncing and getting into other peoples work space, and to save your teeth.  

5 min monostructural 
coach's choice dynamic 
Shoulder mobility 
Burgner warm up 

Clean and Jerk 

Clean pull 

8 min AMRAP
50 doubles 
40 Wall Ball Shots 
30 Pull ups 

5 min easy walk 
Couch stretch 2 min per side 
50 W pulls 

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Wednesday November 19th 2014

John Walker has started a rowing challenge at the gym.  He is setting a goal to row a marathon over the course of a few weeks.  John came in to CrossFit barely able to run, and although he still hates running, he can do it! During his time at CrossFit he has discovered  a love for rowing and set a challenge to row 1000m every day until he meets his goals.  I will put up a sign up sheet by the fountain for anyone that wants to join him! Let see who takes on the challenge to row 21,100m with John.  

5 min mono structural 
5 min shoulder mobility 

5 Rounds 
15 Hollow rocks 

12 min AMRAP 
25m swim 

Hot tub 

Monday, 17 November 2014

Tuesday November 18th 2014

1 min each shuttle runs, burpees, plank, jumping jacks, hollow rock 
2 rounds of- max unbroken wall balls, pull ups, push ups 
Bottom squat position prep 2 min per side 
Barbel complex/ Pause squat review 

3x5 Pause squats @ 50% 7 second pause in the hole

6 rounds for max load 
1 Deadlift 
2 hang clean 
3 front squat                                                   

25 GHD sit ups 
Banded pigeon 2 min per side
Couch stretch 2 min per side 

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Monday November 17th 2014

Alternating tabata- Mountain climbers, shuttle runs
Plank complex 
Banded shoulder stretch 
Burgner Warm up 

Split jerk 


*Both lifts should increase 5-10% from last week 

30 Air squats 
250m Row
20 Push Press 75/115 
* Not from rack 

Walk 400m
50 wall slides  
Thread the needle 2 min per side 

Friday, 14 November 2014

Saturday November 15th 2014

5 min monostructual work 
Coach's choice dynamic 
Shoulder stretches with band 2 min per side 
Barbell complex to build to WOD weight 3 deadliest, 3 hang clean, 3 jerk 

12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Clean 
6 Push Jerk 

Easy walk 
Alexander shoulder stretch 
Pigeon pose 2 min per side 

Thursday, 13 November 2014

We will be having a social WOD tomorrow night (Friday) from 6-7. I would like to take this time to work on some team WOD's for the upcoming competition but the social WOD's are NOT just for competitors! Please join in, we will have plenty of extras looking for a partner!

5 min mono structural 
Burgner warm up, Handstand holds, lunge complex 
Overhead prep 
3 postion snatch 

Back Squat 3x5 
* you can continue from last cycle 

10 min AMRAP
10 T2B
15 Box jumps 

Group stretch 

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Thursday November 13th 2014

5 min mono-structural 
Coach's choice dynamic
Burgener warm up 
3 postion cleans 

3 Clean+ 1 Jerk 3-3-3-3-3

Clean Pulls 3-3-3-3-3

12 min EMOM
Odd- 20 seconds max power cleans 105/155
Even - 40 seconds max double unders 

* Score is the total of power cleans and double unders 

Row 500m at an easy pace 
W pulls 
Bretzle- 2 min per side 

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Wednesday November 12th 2014

We had a great turn out to "Nutts" today.  Thank you to everyone for working so hard, I did not hear one complaint about that gruelling workout- even the 400m run in the freezing cold.  I think we all had a great appreciation for those that served and still are serving in far worse situations than what we were in today.

5 min mono structural (Run row or skip) 
Coach's choice dynamic 
Front rack prep Hips and shoulders 
30 seconds bottom front rack position 

Dead stop front squat +2 Front squat 
5 sets to build to a max 

10 min EMOM 
25 m swim 

 Stretch in the Hot tub

Monday, 10 November 2014

Tuesday November 11th so14

   Tomorrow we will honour Remembrance day with the Hero WOD "Nutts." Lt. Andrew Nuttall briefly served in the military before he as killed in Afghanistan.  Please take the time to click on the link below and read Andrew's story.  Lets all push a little harder tomorrow to Honor those that have served so we can have our freedom. Also wear red or white to show our support.


10 handstand push-ups
15 deadlifts (250 lb.)
25 box jumps (30 inches)

50 pull-ups
100 wall-balls (20 lb. to 10 feet) 
200 double-unders
Run 400 meters with a 45-lb. plate. 

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Monday November 10th 2014

Welcome to the new Olympic Lifting cycle!

5 Min skipping drills 
Focused shoulder mobility 
Plank Complex; 
1 min center 
30 second R. side plank 
30 second Center
30 second L side plank 
30 seconds R side plank 
30 seconds Center
30 seconds L side plank 
1 min Center 

*Goal is to hold the entire 5 min 

Jerk 3-3-3-3-3
OHS 3-3-3-3-3

Push press 75/115
Pull ups 
* 50 double unders between rounds.  Workout finishes with 50 doubles 

2 lengths samson stretch  
20 GHD back extensions 
Shoulder stretches with band 2 min per side 

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Saturday November 8th 2014

Ankle mobility 
5 min AMRAP
30 Second handstand hold
20 Unbroken double unders 
10 Unbroken wall balls 

HSPU work 

250m Row 
10 Alternating Pistols / 20  Air squats
10 Box jumps 

Rest 2 min 

10 Weighted Step ups (5/leg)
10 Burpees 
15 KBS

Group stretch 

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Friday November 7th 2014

This month I would like to do a hero WOD each Saturday to honour our Canadian Soldiers.  Remembrance day is a big deal and I feel with the current events we owe even more to those that give their lives so we can enjoy ours.  This Saturday will be a regular WOD but only because we will do this weeks WOD on Tuesday the 11th. Please join us on Tuesday November 11th at 9am to do an honorary Hero WOD.  I made the class time a little earlier this year so we can make it to the 11:00 service. 

Just a reminder about Adrians going down under get together tomorrow night at 6pm at the gym- a fun team WOD awaits you. 

3 rounds 
max double unders 
5 Hand release push ups 
10 overhead walking lunge 

Find a back squat 1RM 

10 min AMRAP
1 Muscle up (rings or bar) / CTB pull up/ Strict Pull up 
10 Dynamic push ups 
100 Double unders 

25 GHD sit ups 
Couch stretch 2 min per side 
Group stretch 

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Thursday November 6th 2014

Our friend Adrian is getting ready to head back down under, this is his last week with CFPC!  Adrian we have really enjoyed having you around- you bring a great vibe to all the classes you attend and it was cool to see you improve so much over the last couple of months.  We are going to miss having you around! Friday night we will be having a fun little social WOD to say "see you next year!" to Adrian.  I have made reservations at The Cast Iron for afterword.  I really like what The Cast Iron is trying to promote, all the food the serve there is local and raised with the least amount of intervention  possible.  We spend all most as much time watching what we put in our mouths as we do nerding out on CrossFit vids so its pretty cool to have a restaurant that supports our lifestyle. I encourage you all to give it a try.  Changing the way people think about nutrition and lifestyle is not an easy task, we see this everyday while we try to defend CrossFit to the all the nay sayers. The Cast Iron is trying something new -they are trying to embody community by getting their ingredients from local organic sources , I think we now a thing about community at CFPC- give it a shot, you won't be disappointed!! 

We will take the whole hour tomorrow to work on our Olympic lifting maxes for this cycle! Take your time get some good warm up sets in and then when you are ready 3 attempts at a max.  You guys are all looking so strong so get after it!! I have cleared the PR board so lets get some numbers up there.  

Row 1000m 
Burgner warm up 
3 position snatch x3 at each position  Hold 5 sec in the receiving position 
3 Position snatch x 3 at each position. Hold 5 sec in the hole 

Strength/ WOD
"Olympic Total"
3 attempts at a max; 
Clean and Jerk 

500m row 
Group stretch 

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Wednesday October 5th 2014

Be sure to get your hoodies/ Tank top order in before the end of the week!

We are trying to open up some more open gym time for everyone to come in and work on skills etc.  So far Friday nights from 5-7 looks like a go.  Keep an eye on Friday's blogs in case we have no staff to help out that night.  Beer is warmly accepted on Friday nights.  

5 min quad smash 
Alternating Tabata of; 
Handstand hold 

15 to find  unbroken max; 
Chest to bar pull ups/ Pull ups 
Push ups 
Muscle ups 
Double unders 

250m swim for time or just get 10 lengths in if this is your active recovery day.  

Couch stretch in the hot tub 

Monday, 3 November 2014

Tuesday November 4th 2014

The order form for hoodies and tank tops is ready! Please fill yours out and return it to the gym before Friday. 

November fees are due

5 Min Focused shoulder mobility 
30 Second Bottom goblet squat position 
20 Shuttle runs 
10 Lunge with rotation- knees squeeze in, rotate toward supporting leg, arms "should" form a straight line

Foot work drills x 10 

Find a 1 RM split jerk

Overhead Squat 65/95

Walk 400m or row 500m 
40 Back extensions 
50 W pulls 

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Monday November 3rd 2014

Big thanks to Tara and Holly for organizing a very fun 5K obstacle race this Saturday! A few of us were feeling a little less than optimal from the night before but I must say I am so glad I did it.  

This week we will be doing some testing.  The testing should help you see if we made some improvements from the last cycle, as well as give us some numbers to go off of for the upcoming Olympic lifting cycle.  Be prepared for a lot of mobility and plenty of barbell complex's, It's going to be fun!  I am very excited to see how well we all do with this cycle following a strength cycle.  

* November fees are due

Row 1000m 
Bracing sequence (wall, stick, overhead prep) 
Bottom front squat position 30 seconds 
Burgner Warm up 

Front squat 
* Build to a 5RM 

30 Snatch for time 95/135

Row 500m at an easy pace 
50 wall slides 