I would really like to see everyone doing a bit more focused mobility. I see lots of you coming to class and hanging out with the foam rollers,sitting on them chatting etc... that is awesome but lets put them to use! I will try to get in the habit of posting a mobility exercise each day to bring some focus to your "social foam rolling session" at the beginning of each class. How we prepare for each class matters!!
Mobility 5 Min
T-spine opener
Foam roller + Oly bar Snatch position
Prep 10 Min
10 Turkish get up
10 KB Deadlift
10 KB Snatch (5 per side)
10 Single arm OH squat (5 Per side)
Strength 10 Min
In 10 Min find a 1RM Snatch
Conditioning 12 Min
12 Min AMRAP
6 KB Burpee
6 Box Jump
6 T2B
Recovery 10 Min
Calf smash
Bi/Tri smash
"Workout Of The Day" (and occasionally more) from CrossFit Pincher Creek will be posted here on a regular basis. Check in to see what the WOD is and let us know how YOU did.
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Thursday October 31st
Below is a link to the Battle on The Boarder Competition. Please let your coach's know if you are interested in taking part in this competition!
Ankle smash/ mobility
Static Hangs
Static handstand holds
Strength/ Skill
Find a max height box hop
2x 1 Min AMRAP
A) HSPU/Static Holds/ Push ups
B) Pull ups
C) Box hops 20/24
D) Muscle ups/ Ring Dips
* 1 Min rest between exercises
50 Hollow rocks
Roll out legs/ IT bands
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Wednesday October 30th 2013
10 KB Clean and jerk
8 Good Mornings
6 Sit ups
In 10 Min find a 1RM Clean and Jerk
18 Min AMRAP
60 Doubles
12 Wall Balls
9 Hollow Rocks
3 Pull ups
Calf/ Ankle mobility
10 KB Clean and jerk
8 Good Mornings
6 Sit ups
In 10 Min find a 1RM Clean and Jerk
18 Min AMRAP
60 Doubles
12 Wall Balls
9 Hollow Rocks
3 Pull ups
Calf/ Ankle mobility
Monday, 28 October 2013
Tuesday October 29th 2013
Just a reminder that we are testing this week. MOST of our efforts should go into the strength component of our workouts, the conditioning WOD's themselves should be fairly easy this week and we will focus on quality of movement and will likely not spend much time gasping for air. Take the time this week to move better- after nutrition it is the foundation of CrossFit!
10 Pass through's
10 Overhead squats
Partner shoulder smash 20/ side
Find a 1RM Strict press
10 Ring rows
20 Walking lunges in the front rack position 65/95
30 KBS 35/50
Bully stretch with band
Oly bar shoulder smash
10 Pass through's
10 Overhead squats
Partner shoulder smash 20/ side
Find a 1RM Strict press
10 Ring rows
20 Walking lunges in the front rack position 65/95
30 KBS 35/50
Bully stretch with band
Oly bar shoulder smash
Sunday, 27 October 2013
Monday October 28th 2013
Hope everyone had a great weekend... looks like winter has begun! A testing week this week.. lets see where we are at!
25 Wall squats
25 Wall slides
Bottom squat position 1 Min
In 10 Min find a 1RM back squat
EMOM for 10 min - Odd- 5 Push ups, Even- 5 Pull ups
Couch stretch 2 Min per side
25 Wall squats
25 Wall slides
Bottom squat position 1 Min
In 10 Min find a 1RM back squat
EMOM for 10 min - Odd- 5 Push ups, Even- 5 Pull ups
Couch stretch 2 Min per side
Thursday, 24 October 2013
October 25th 2013
A few things to note today!!
First off Keelan got his first muscle up today!!! Congrats Keelan.. plenty more to come!
Also Danielle Radvack has had one of her recipes published in Oxygen Magazine, while this is no surprise to anyone that had tried one of Danielle's creations we are SO proud of her. Way to go Danielle! The recipe can be seen here http://www.oxygenmag.com/nutrition/mojito-protein-shake/
There is a pool going to Honor Craig's Achilles... growing facial hair until he can do his first two footed air squat!! There will be some lucky ladies around CFPC!! If you want to sign up please let me know. There will be a $20 buy in, half the winnings will go to the one with the best moustache... the other half goes toward Craig's beer fund!
Running drills
Sotts press with dowel
Work on O.H squat
Push up breathing ladder
Run 400m
9 Overhead squats 65/95
9 Burpees
T-Spine mobility
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Thursday October 24th 2013
100 double unders
Kipping work
5 Wall walks
5 Hip Kip- rings
L-Pull ups/ Pull up negatives/ Banded pull ups
5 Rounds for Quality;
5 Strict T2B
5 Strict HSPU- Deficit if you are feeling saucy
5 Muscle ups/ Ring dips
50 Hollow rocks
.Hip stretch with band
100 double unders
Kipping work
5 Wall walks
5 Hip Kip- rings
L-Pull ups/ Pull up negatives/ Banded pull ups
5 Rounds for Quality;
5 Strict T2B
5 Strict HSPU- Deficit if you are feeling saucy
5 Muscle ups/ Ring dips
50 Hollow rocks
.Hip stretch with band
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
October 23 2013
Did you see us kicking butt on the Pincher Creek Echo website?
10 Turkish get ups
10 Russian KBS
10 American KBS
10 Single arm snatch
Work on Olympic snatch for 10 min
30 SDHP 65/95
10 T2B
5 Ring dips
20 SDHP 65/95
10 T2B
5 Ring dips
10 SDHP 65/95
5 Ring dips
Alexander shoulder stretch against wall
Monday, 21 October 2013
Tuesday October 22 2013
10 Deadlift
10 Power clean
10 Front squat
10 Push press
Sots press
10 Min AMRAP
2 Power cleans 95/135
4 Push ups
6 Pistols
Spend more time recovering... Mobility work has gone out the window for most of you. Its easy to get in the habit of running out of the gym without cooling down or stretching. Let make an effort to start class on time, so we have time at the end to mobilize!!
10 Deadlift
10 Power clean
10 Front squat
10 Push press
Sots press
10 Min AMRAP
2 Power cleans 95/135
4 Push ups
6 Pistols
Spend more time recovering... Mobility work has gone out the window for most of you. Its easy to get in the habit of running out of the gym without cooling down or stretching. Let make an effort to start class on time, so we have time at the end to mobilize!!
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Monday October 21 2013
What an awesome weekend! I was starting a list of people to thank for this weekends success but it turns out that everyone of you played a huge role in the weekends festivities weather you were there or not! It was such a blast to watch each of you compete, to achieve more than you thougth possible, and to cheer for each other. I can not wait until the next competition or event at CFPC!!
With all that said Workout 3 for the weekend ended a bit tragically when Craig stepped off the box and blew his Achilles tendon. All you CrossFit hatters that secretly read this because you are creeps are going to have a hay day with that one.. enjoy!! There is much more to the story with that but I will let Craig or Marcy explain that one. Please send him as many healing vibes as you can... I am pretty sure he needs them. I think we are able to cover most of Marcy's classes this week but if she is running a bit late or can not make it please be understanding. She now has four kids to care for!!
For those of you unable to make it this weekend, here are the final placings
Men's A
1. Jeff (Arizona) Price
2. Keelan Unruh
Ladies A
1. Destini Jackson
2. Marcy Hallden
Ladies B
1. Carole Goodreau
2. Connie Joss and Colleen Brady
For Monday;
Roll out your sore bits.
20 Overhead walking lunges with dowel
10 Push ups
Work on Front squat for 10min but do not exceed 70% of your 1 RM
Run 400m
5 Man makers 25/50
Run 400m
4 Man makers
Run 400m
3 Man makers
Run 400m
2 Man makers
Run 400m
1 Man maker
* We are on a de-loading week this week so please don't go any heavier.. enjoy it.. you never know what next week will bring
Shoulder smash
With all that said Workout 3 for the weekend ended a bit tragically when Craig stepped off the box and blew his Achilles tendon. All you CrossFit hatters that secretly read this because you are creeps are going to have a hay day with that one.. enjoy!! There is much more to the story with that but I will let Craig or Marcy explain that one. Please send him as many healing vibes as you can... I am pretty sure he needs them. I think we are able to cover most of Marcy's classes this week but if she is running a bit late or can not make it please be understanding. She now has four kids to care for!!
For those of you unable to make it this weekend, here are the final placings
Men's A
1. Jeff (Arizona) Price
2. Keelan Unruh
Ladies A
1. Destini Jackson
2. Marcy Hallden
Ladies B
1. Carole Goodreau
2. Connie Joss and Colleen Brady
For Monday;
Roll out your sore bits.
20 Overhead walking lunges with dowel
10 Push ups
Work on Front squat for 10min but do not exceed 70% of your 1 RM
Run 400m
5 Man makers 25/50
Run 400m
4 Man makers
Run 400m
3 Man makers
Run 400m
2 Man makers
Run 400m
1 Man maker
* We are on a de-loading week this week so please don't go any heavier.. enjoy it.. you never know what next week will bring
Shoulder smash
Friday, 18 October 2013
Saturday October 19th 2013
I am completely overwhelmed with gratitude for all that participated, volunteered and cheered tonight!What a fun workout!! Rest big tonight and get ready to hit it hard tomorrow!!
Workout 2
In 10 Min find a 3RM deadlift
Rest 2 min. then;
Workout 3
"Run Jackie"
Run 800m
50 Thrusters 45#
30 Pull ups/ Ring rows
Workout 4
Push press 65/95 45
Box hops 20/24 20
Kids WOD will be at 2:30.. stick around, eat some food and cheer for the little warriors!!
Workout 2
In 10 Min find a 3RM deadlift
Rest 2 min. then;
Workout 3
"Run Jackie"
Run 800m
50 Thrusters 45#
30 Pull ups/ Ring rows
Workout 4
Push press 65/95 45
Box hops 20/24 20
Kids WOD will be at 2:30.. stick around, eat some food and cheer for the little warriors!!
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Friday October 18th 2013
The competition starts today! I know a lot of you are very nervous, and very excited at the same time! I am so proud of everyone that signed up to compete this weekend you will all be so glad you did. I have talked to so many people about the competition, some that do CrossFit and some that do not. People that don't do CrossFit can not seem to understand why we would compete against each other and have a hard time fathoming working there tail off for "fun". The difference is we are CrossFitters. As a coach and the owner of this business, my goal is not just to help you become more fit or skinny or super huge, its to help you reveal the very best version of yourselves. Discipline, integrity, honesty and community are all a part of CrossFit. With out being biased I will say, anyone can walk into a gym with headphones, plunk away on the treadmill for 30 min do some bicep curls and feel happy with themselves for getting there workout in. There is nothing wrong with that but as CrossFitter's we walk into the gym not knowing what to expect, we have the discipline to face our fears, finish workouts we never thought we could and work and work and work on our weaknesses until we master them. That takes a certain type of person. Most people run from there fears, cripple themselves with the words can't and are always looking for the easy way out. As you all know, there is no easy way out, life is hard. CrossFit is hard. And I commend each of you reading this from the bottom of my heart for the ability to be honest with yourselves, and at the end of the day be able to say, I have nothing left, I gave everything I had. Let have a wicked weekend everyone!!
For tomorrow;
50 Doubles
40 KB Swings 35/50
30 WBS 14/20
20 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Shoulder to overhead 85/125
20 Barfacing burpees
30 WBS
40 KBS
50 Doubles
Good luck!!
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Thursday October 17th 2013
MOST of you will be resting today in preparations for this weekends competition. I have programmed some easy WOD's for today and tomorrow to allow you all time to rest but still work on skills before the weekend. Please come out and cheer us on this weekend if you can! We will have some free food and a beer or two for the competitors ($10 for non competitors) as well as a couple of great prizes for first and second place finishers in both A and B division. If you are unsure of your heat please check yesterday's post!
10 Pistols
15 Push ups
20 O.H Squats with wooden dowel
Work on snatch for 10 min (Olympic)
A) Work on pull ups for 5 Min. Find a max rep
B) Work on HSPU for 5 Min. Find a max rep
C) Work on Muscle ups/ Rig Dips for 5 min. find a max rep
Stretch and foam roll extra looong
10 Pistols
15 Push ups
20 O.H Squats with wooden dowel
Work on snatch for 10 min (Olympic)
A) Work on pull ups for 5 Min. Find a max rep
B) Work on HSPU for 5 Min. Find a max rep
C) Work on Muscle ups/ Rig Dips for 5 min. find a max rep
Stretch and foam roll extra looong
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Wednesday October 16th 2013
Alrigght! A few of you have been waiting paitnetly to see the workouts for our competition this weekend. First a few things on how the competition will run. First you will be responsible for your own warm up, come in early and take some time to get warm and understand the movement standards for the workout. Each competitor will have a judge that will ensure each rep is legit and that proper reps are counted. This is a FUN competition, but it is still a competion and therefore we need to have certain standards that MUST be met in order to keep things fair. Do not question your judge, they are not paid enough to put up with bad attitudes and chances are I will always side with them! There will be four workouts, 1 Friday night, 3 Saturday. We hope to have everything finished up by 3pm on Saturday afternoon. Beef on a bun and a few snacks will be around free to competitiors, $10/ plate for spectators.
The heats will be as follows;
Heat 1
Friday 5:00pm
Saturday 9:30 am
Saturday 1:00 pm
Forrest (A)
Carole (B)
Jaime (B)
Sue (A)
Kieran (A)
Heat 2
Friday 5:30 pm
Saturday 10:10 am
Saturday 1:15 pm
Heather (B)
Judy (B)
Leanna (A)
Becky (B)
Brandi (B)
Heat 3
Friday 6:00 pm
Saturday 10:50 am
Saturday 1:30 pm
Marcy (A)
Colleen (B)
Paula (A)
Chris (A)
Keelan (A)
Heat 4
Friday 6:45
Saturday 11:30pm
Saturday 1:45 pm
Wendy (A)
Connie (B)
Kim (B)
Destini (A)
Jason (A)
Craig (A)
Arizona (A)
Arizona (A)
Workout 1
50 Doubles B- 200 Singles
40 KB Swings A 35/50 B 20/35
30 Wall Balls A 14/20 10Ft B 14/20 9 ft target
20 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Clean and Jerk A 85/125 B 65/95
20 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Wall Ball Shots
40 KBS
50 Doubles
* 22 Min Time cap
Workout 2
In 10 Min find a 3RM Deadlift
Rest 2 Min then;
Workout 3
"Run Jackie"
Run 800m
50 Thrusters 45#'s
30 Pull ups B- Ring rows
*15 Min Time cap
Workout 4
Push Press A 65/95 B 45/65
Box Jumps 20/24
Heats will start on time so go to the washroom, chalk up and DO NOT BE LATE!!
Monday, 14 October 2013
Tuesday October 15 2013
Thank you to everyone that came out to help our this weekend!! We did some major work around the gym to make room for things to come! We also had a huge turn out for the "Filthy Fifty" today, 15!! This will be our last hard workout this week as we have our annual competition next weekend. Competition workouts and heats will be posted tomorrow... stay tuned!
Turkish get up
Sots Press
Run 400m
9 Pull ups
9 Thursters 65/95
Hip stretch with band
Turkish get up
Sots Press
Run 400m
9 Pull ups
9 Thursters 65/95
Hip stretch with band
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Monday October 14 2013
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We will be doing the "Filthy Fifty" tomorrow morning at 10am... join us if you can!
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Friday October 11 2013
Just a reminder to those of you that singed up for the work bee this Saturday... THANK YOU! The task priority's are to;
A) Remove all four mirrors from the east wall and repaint
B) Paint a 9 ft target on the east wall
C) Build 3-5 new plyo boxes
D) Build some new wooded plates that will not be dropped!
E) Re vamp the bulletin board and do a few touch ups around the gym
F) "Sally up" at 3pm
G) Enjoy a few beers on us and possibly some pizza if you have the time!
Can we fit it all in? Its a 3 hour AMRAP
For Tomorrow;
T Spine mobility
10 Doubles unders
10 Single arm snatch
7x2 Olympic Snatch- Building as you go
10 RFT
2 Olympic Snatch
4 Pull ups
6 Push ups
8 Air squats
Foam roll
A) Remove all four mirrors from the east wall and repaint
B) Paint a 9 ft target on the east wall
C) Build 3-5 new plyo boxes
D) Build some new wooded plates that will not be dropped!
E) Re vamp the bulletin board and do a few touch ups around the gym
F) "Sally up" at 3pm
G) Enjoy a few beers on us and possibly some pizza if you have the time!
Can we fit it all in? Its a 3 hour AMRAP
For Tomorrow;
T Spine mobility
10 Doubles unders
10 Single arm snatch
7x2 Olympic Snatch- Building as you go
10 RFT
2 Olympic Snatch
4 Pull ups
6 Push ups
8 Air squats
Foam roll
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Thursday October 10th 2013
Static bar hang-
Static hold- HSPU
Bottom squat postion 620.
Sots Press
Pull ups
HSPU/ Push ups
Muscle ups/ Ring dips
Shoulder smash
* Scale movements as needed, there is always something to work on.
Static bar hang-
Static hold- HSPU
Bottom squat postion 620.
Sots Press
Pull ups
HSPU/ Push ups
Muscle ups/ Ring dips
Shoulder smash
* Scale movements as needed, there is always something to work on.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Wednesday October 9th 2013
T- Spine/ shoulder prep
Pass through
Scap push ups
Overhead squats
50 Doubles
30 T2B
50 Doubles
20 T2B
50 Doubles
10 T2B
Calf smash
T- Spine/ shoulder prep
Pass through
Scap push ups
Overhead squats
50 Doubles
30 T2B
50 Doubles
20 T2B
50 Doubles
10 T2B
Calf smash
Monday, 7 October 2013
Tuesday October 8th 2013
Running drills
5 Box hop
Ankle MOB
Hang Snatch
* Build as you go
25 Min AMRAP
Run 400m
5 Burpee Box hop
10 Push press 65/95
15 WBS
10 Pass through
10 Good mornings
Groin stretch
Running drills
5 Box hop
Ankle MOB
Hang Snatch
* Build as you go
25 Min AMRAP
Run 400m
5 Burpee Box hop
10 Push press 65/95
15 WBS
10 Pass through
10 Good mornings
Groin stretch
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Friday October 4th 2013
5 Pull ups
10 Shuffle Steps
15 Scapular Push ups
Work on clean and jerk for 10 Min
Run 400m
20 Pistols
Hip openers with band
5 Pull ups
10 Shuffle Steps
15 Scapular Push ups
Work on clean and jerk for 10 Min
Run 400m
20 Pistols
Hip openers with band
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
Thursday October 3 2013
Shoulder Mobility
Hip prep
Push Jerk
15 Min- AMRAP
25 T2B
20 Pistols
10 L- Pull ups
5 muscle ups
Bully Stretch with band
Shoulder Mobility
Hip prep
Push Jerk
15 Min- AMRAP
25 T2B
20 Pistols
10 L- Pull ups
5 muscle ups
Bully Stretch with band
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