Monday, 31 March 2014

Tuesday April 1 2014

Prep- 20 min
Shoulder mobility work 
Bulletproof shoulders 
5 min double under/ skipping work 
Burgner warm up

Strength-15 min 
Snatch balance
* build as you go 

Conditioning- 15 min 
WBS 14/20 
KBS 35/50 

Recovery- 5 min
Shoulder stretches with band 

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Monday March 31 2014

Well the 2014 open has come to an end. 14.5 was a gruelling WOD and I commend each and everyone of you that completed it.  I was absolutely blown away by the strength, both mentally and physically that each of you demonstrated during the WOD.  Keep up the good work and if you can take anything from this years open let it be; It is not how far you have to go but how far you have come!! Looking at the leader board can be humbling, inspiring and down right frustrating.  Please keep Strong and take pride in all of your accomplishments this year! I will have a note pad and a pen out tomorrow.  Please take a moment to write down one thing you accomplished this year, and one thing you want to work on!

We are starting a new cycle this week.  You all had a bit of a taste last week but I wanted to wait until after the open to get back to regular programming.  Be prepared for lots of Olympic lifting components, continued gymnastics work and a bit of running.  We have some team races coming up and its time to get out and brave the lovely Southern Alberta weather.  Come prepared to class with a few layers, we can not beat the weather so we might as well get our and enjoy it!

Saturday am Coffee/Yoga/mobility classes will be starting this Saturday at 9am.  I will be supplying coffee from Harvest so come on in, grab a cup and work on some mobility and Yoga to bring some balance to our CrossFit training.

20 Glute activation on wall
25 Banded Good mornings
5 Box Jumps

5x5 Deadlift at 70%

12 Min AMRAP
3 Power clean 105/155 65/95
6 Push ups
9 Box Jump

Calf smash
Banded pigeon

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Thursday March 27th 2014

The final WOD for the 2014 CrossFit open will be announced tonight (Thursday) at 6pm.. Once again we will be at the gym waiting to see what Castro has in store! Also Friday marks the final open workout for CrossFit Pincher Creek for 2014, lets try and get everyone together for the last week for some hard work and a few cold ones! 

Shoulder mobility 
Run 1 mile or row 1000m 
5 Strict Burpees 
10 pistols 
20 double unders 

Thruster work 

10x 250 m row 
* alternating partners or 1 min rest in between 
Pull up/ HSPU/ Muscle up practice 

Long stretch 

Monday, 24 March 2014

Tuesday March 25th

It's 12:53   and I am waiting for my luggage in the Calgary airport. Jamaica was a great time but I have a feeling this week is going to be a bit of a reality check! 

100 singles 
10 inchworm to elbow plank 
5 Deadlift (build as you go) 

10 Min EMOM 
1-5 Ring rows 

10 min AMRAP 
1 Deadlift 185/225 
10 doubles 
2 Deadlift 
20 doubles
3 Deadlift 
30 Doubles 

Pigeon pose 
Calf smash 

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

Most of us have done 14.4 and have one more WOD to go in the Open.  I have had lots of fun watching people do things they couldn't do before the Open.  Heck, even Hudson got some double unders today for his competition, Judy!!  Seeing how far we've come in the last year, gets me excited to see where we will be next year at this time.

Don't hate the messenger--today's WOD is none other than "Cindy."

Run 1 mile, Row 1000m, or 50 shuttle runs
dynamic hip/leg stretches

10 min EMOM @ 60% of 1 RM
3 deadlifts
2 hang cleans
1 jerk

20 mins AMRAP
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats

10 mins AMRAP
5 ring rows
10 push ups (on a box or wall if you need to--get full range of motion)
15 air squats

Friday, 21 March 2014

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Run a mile
Burgener warm-up

Snatch Balance--build up to as set of 5 as heavy as possible

A.  Max Effort Pull Up/Ring Row
B.  Max Effort HSPU/Push up
C.  Max Effort Muscle Up/Ring Dip
D.  Row 1000m for time

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Friday, March 21, 2014

14.4 is definitely a chipper!!  Sue has set the standard pretty high with 152 reps.  Good job, Sue.  If you are coming in tomorrow evening to do the WOD, we will be running a pretty tight ship.  It is a longer WOD, so we will start heats every 15 minutes promptly.  It is your job to warm up however you need to, and to be ready to go at your time.  We only have TWO good rowers, so we will be going 2 at a time--which is going to take a bit of time.  That is why we must be prompt.  Good luck, everyone.  See you tomorrow evening.

spend a good 30 minutes warming up how you need to

14 minute AMRAP
60 calorie row
50 T2B
40 WBS 14lb to 9 ft/20lb to 10 ft
30 cleans 95#/135#
20 muscle ups

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Well, I can't post that date and not acknowledge that my Hudson is 8 years old today.  He's definitely one of my favourite little CrossFitters!!  He and Eric are doing their own "Open" and competing against 500 other kids worldwide.  So proud of these two.

Rowing Technique
Test different damper settings
Row without the straps on your feet
practice getting a high pull and keeping the chain tight
NO ROUNDING your back

Write down a goal or 2 on the board
Work on those goals while you recover or wait for a rower/treadmill

Run 5K or
Row 5K
*Record your time

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I couldn't resist.  That picture made me laugh.  Stepping their way up the leaderboard!

mobilize, mobilize, mobilize
hold bottom squat with stick overhead for 2 mins (may be accumulative)
dynamic shoulders
3 rounds of:
25 pass throughs
10 burpees

Olympic Total
3 attempts for max clean & jerk (FULL clean with squat)
3 attempts for max snatch (full snatch with squat)

Row 1000m
50 WBS
30 ring rows
*Rest 2 mins. repeat

Monday, 17 March 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Lots of PRs today on the CrossFit Total.  Great job everyone!!

Foam roll your sore parts
Run 400m or Row 500m

10! Pistols/Push Ups (10, 9, 8, 7…and so on down to 1)

50 double unders
40 pull ups
30 double unders
20 pull ups
10 double unders

For Foundations, triple the double unders for singles and do ring rows for pull ups.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

Don't forget to submit your scores if you haven't already.  Must be done by 6:00pm tomorrow night.

run 400m
3 round of "Cindy" (5 pulls ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats)

3 times with empty bar
5 deadlifts
5 hang cleans
5 shoulder press
5 back squat

"CrossFit Total"
3 attempts for find a 1 rep max
back squat
shoulder press

*Sum of all 3 is your score--write it down!!

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Saturday March 15th 2014

So proud of everyone that has completed 14.3! We saw a lot of PR's and a lot of smiling faces!! This is exactly how the open should be! 

Roll out your sore bits from yesterday; 
Low back 
Coach's choice dynamic

T2B technique or any strength work you missed this week

400 m Run 
30 Wall ball shots
20 T2B 
10 Burpees 

Banded hamstring stretch 

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Thursday March 13th

14.3 will be announced at 6:00 our time! I can not edit to see Stacie Tovar throw down. You know where we will be if you care to watch it with us!! 

Thursday is a rest day for most of you but if you are looking to keep moving and work on some skills we have something for you! If you are looking for a little bit more make up a workout you missed this week. 

15 min Run/row skip 
15 min Hsndstand work
15 min Bar Work
15 min mobility and stretching 

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Wednesday March 12th 2014

5 min cardio of your choice 
20 wall slides 
10 Push up to side plank 
5 Power cleans- build each round 

1-8 Strict pull ups EMOM for 10 min 

I. 100 double unders for time 
II. "Elizabeth" 
Power cleans 95/135 
Ring dips 

I. 300 singles for time 
II. 21-15-9 
Power cleans 45/65
Push ups 

Trap smash 
Shoulder stretches with band 

Monday, 10 March 2014

Tuesday March 11 2014

Run 1 mile 
20 Banded good mornings 
10 pass through's 
5 T2B 

1 Turkish get up 
5 KB win ills per side 
10 KBS 

I. 3x 500m Row 
11. Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2 

Low back stretches 
Banded against wall

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Monday March 10th 2014 j

Awesome job to everyone on 14.2!! We had many first overhead squats at 65 and 95#'s and several first chest to bars!!  THIS is what the open is all about! 

Our 10 week squat cycle is up! Enjoy this week as a de loading week and we can have some fun testing next week! 

Hip/ ankle mobility
Run 1 mile 
5 wall balls 
5 pull ups
5 strict Burpees 

Back squat 
5x5 @ 70%

10 squats 
10 Burpees 

Hollow body holds 
Couch stretch 

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Saturday March 8th 2014

Foam roll upper back 
Shoulder mobility/ hip mobility 
30 doubles 
20 Banded good mornings 
5 box jump 

Front squat 
6x2-3 @ 67% 

15 min AMRAP 
5 Deadlift 95/135 
10 Box jump 
15 sit ups 

Calf smash 
Couch stretch 

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Thursday March 6 2014

CrossFit Pincher Creek is officially part of the Southern Alberta Summer Games! Please mark your calendars for July 3-5th and watch out for a chance to register April 1st! 

14.2 will be announced at 6pm tomorrow night (Thursday) we will be watching it at the gym again, feel free to join us! Also we are planning on running the same heats this Friday as last Friday. If you were away or need to change times it's your responsibility to reschedule! 

Since we never really know what the workouts will be I like to program a skills day for our Thursday WOD's

5 min to warm up however you choose 
Foam roll upper back and lats
Shoulder mobility 
5 min at each station
Rowing machine/ Skipping
Rings- muscle ups or dip work 
Rope climb technique 
Pull up bar - Pull ups/ toes to bar 
Barbel work/ Power clean/power snatch 

Stretch, breathe... What will 14.2 bring??

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Wednesday March 5th 2014

It is our oh so fabulous Danielle Radvack's birthday today... Please wish her an extra special day if you see her! 

Run/row/ skip 5 Min
Muscle up progressions 
Barbel complex 
5 RDL 
5 Power Clean 
5 Jerk 

3 RFT 
30 cal Row
10 Power clean 95/135 65/95 
5 HSPU/ Push ups 

Rest 2 min 

30 double unders 
10 RDL
5 muscle up/ Ring Dip 

Rest 2 min 

3 RFT 
10 Burpees 
10 Lunges is FR position 95/135 65/95
5 CTB 

Samson stretch 
Banded pigeon 

Monday, 3 March 2014

Tuesday March 4th 2014

4x Super man to hollow rock 
20 Scap push ups 
20 Scap pull ups 
Run 1 mile / Row 1000m/ 8 min skip 
5 pull ups 

1 Turkish Get up per side 
5 KB Windmills per side 
10 Russian swings 
10 American swings 

Thrusters 65/95
Pull ups 

Thrusters 45/65
Ring rows 

Light 500m row 
Tricep Smash 

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Monday March 3 2014

Great job to everyone that completed 14.1! I am so proud of everyone that has taken part in 14.1! Weather you completed the workout, judged, cheered, held babies or took picutures each one of you has a part in the open! Unless you are planning on making it to regionals, this should be one of the funnest times of the year for a CrossFitter.  Don't take the workouts too seriously.  Personally; I would love to make it to regionals... someday.  I know right now that my training schedule and balancing a business and a two year old will simply not allow that so I plan on giving my all in the upcoming workouts then sitting back and enjoying some extra time with my awesome community!! 

A few things to highlight from 14.1 so far.....
*MOST of the athletes competing in this years open have never competed in CrossFit ever before.. be proud of yourselves!! 
Judy Tillack got her FIRST double under during 14.1, and 7 more after that! Greg Walter could not double under to save his life but ended up completing 60 double unders!! 
Crag Hallden is participating in the open 4 months after achilies tendon surgery. Way to go Craig 
Miss Jacey Harris is completing in the open just 4 weeks after giving birth to a beautiful baby girl... 
Way to go you guys.  THIS is what the open is all about!! 

*Schedule changes- 7:30pm class now runs Monday - Thursday 

*March fees are due

Row 500m 
Ido's sqaut routine 
Handstand technique 

Back Sqaut- Final Week!! 
5x5 @ 88%

50 Rounds for time 
1 Burpee 
1 Push up 
1 Jumping Jack 
1 Sit up 
1 Handstand 

Shoulder stretches
Super friend bridge/ chest opener 

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Saturday March 1 2014

AWESOME job to everyone that has completed 14.1.  We will have a recap on the weekend in tomorrow nights blog post!

Row 500 m
50 Banded good mornings 
5 Push up to side plank/ side 

5x5@ 70% of 1 RM

Wall balls 

Pec stretch and smash