Thursday, 29 November 2012

November 30th 2012

Speed and agility for tomorrows WOD;

For time;
100 Knee ups
100 Butt kicks 
100 Jumping jacks ¸
100 Skips
100 Karaokes  
100 Walking lunges 

Skill; Handstand Push ups 

Strength 5x1 Bench press 

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

November 29th 2012

Today was a total write off for me.    A classic example of how s#%&* can go seriously sideways.  Easton must be growing because he was up every two hours! I somehow missed eating breakfast in the chaos of coming in late to work.  Needless to say my workout was S#@%.  I tried and failed miserably. I have come to realize through my very short journey of parenting so far to control what you can and do not beat your self up over the rest.  Right now my workouts are interrupted by my little man needing me, I can't control that.  What I can control is what I put into my mouth, and how I respond to the chaos around me.  I know each and everyone of you have a lot going on in your lives.  Props to all of you that take the time out of our busy lives to take care of ourselves.  I believe it makes us better parents, better at what we do, just better all around.  

I will redeem myself with one of my favourite workouts tomorrow;
"The Chief" 
5- 3 Min AMRAP's of 

3 Hang Power Cleans 
6 Push ups 
9 Air squats

One minute rest between rounds 

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

November 28 2012

There were some really big numbers hit for deadlifts today! Great job to all! It is so awesome to see how much strength has been built over the last couple months.  Keep it up, you are just getting started! 


A) Find a 10 Rep Max for front squat 

B) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Jump Squats 
Push press 

Monday, 26 November 2012

November 27 2012

Strength WOD for tomorrow; 

A) 10 (Men) 7 (Ladies)  Push ups every minute on the minute for 10 min 

B) 5x5 Deadlift.  Record load. 

Sunday, 25 November 2012

November 26 2012

Hope everyone had a great weekend! 

A chipper WOD for tomorrow; 

50 KB Swings 40/25
5 Pull ups
40 Sit ups
4 Pull ups
30 Med Ball cleans 
3 Pull ups 
20 Double unders 
2 Pull ups 
10 Burpees
1 Pull up 

Friday, 23 November 2012

November 24 2012

Skill day Saturday!

A fun combination of the following;

Double Unders
Kipping pull ups
Ring Dips 
Snatch Balance 

Thursday, 22 November 2012

November 23 2012

Good job to everyone today.  I know double unders can try your patients! Keep at them, they will come.  I asked the other day why do you do CrossFit.  For me its because I learn something new everyday and to me that is the fountain of  youth!

Tomorrows WOD is a partner AMRAP
Complete as many rounds in 20 min of; 
10 Wall balls 
10 Broad jumps 
10m Crab walk 

Alternate partners between rounds 

Front Squat - Working on opening up the shoulders and position.  

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

November 22 2012

Easton is 5 months old today!

 Accumulate 5 min in handstand

Double unders 
Kettle Bell swings 

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

November 21 2012

What a great day for a Tabata! 

WOD Tabata
Med ball cleans 
Sit ups
Pull ups 
Push ups 

4 min each of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off.  Score is the LOWEST number of reps completed for each exercise.  1 min rest betweeen rounds

5x5 Deadlift  

Monday, 19 November 2012

November 20 2012

It has only been about 4 months since most of you have started CrossFit and already there have been some amazing strength gains! CrossFit is never ending, as soon as we master a double under, there is a ring dip. We get the ring dip and then there is a muscle up! This is the beauty of CrossFit, always evolving and always challenging us to reveal our true potential.  That being said CrossFit tends to pull at our weaknesses, this can be flexablity for some, strength for others.  Be patient, listen to your body and talk to your coaches.  We are doing our very best to make you your very best! 

 Ground to overhead 3x10

3 rounds for time of;
5 Strict pull ups
5 Push press 
5 Jumping Kipping pull ups 
5 Push press 

Sunday, 18 November 2012

November 19 2012

I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend and got some rest! The weather has been amazing so I figured we should get in a running WOD or two! We did this workout Saturday but a few of you ( I won't mention names) decided to skip it.  DO NOT worry! You can make it up today AND it is going to get you 100 burpees closer to this months challenge! 


5 Rounds for time of;
Run 400m
20 Burpees
15 Bent over row with 35's or 20's for the ladies.  

Overhead squat 5x10 

We will be working on snatching later on this week so spend some time working on your squat! And read this article!!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

November 16 2012


Handstand Pushups
Box Hops


20 Double unders
10 Handstand PU
5 Pull Ups- Strict
20 Knees to Elbows
10 Overhead Squats
5 burpees

Partner workout: each partner must perform the task with true form or if needed an assist from their partner before the other partner does the like task in the same fashion.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

November 15 2012

To all of you that bought journals make sure you are recording your workouts! It's great to go back and see where you left off for strength movements! AND when we repeat some of those super fun workouts you can see how you have improved.  I can not stress how important journaling is :-)

A) 3 Clean and Jerks every min on the min for 10 min

B) Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Rope Climb

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

November 14 2012

Well my body is telling me its time for a rest day but for everyone else that is ready to roll enjoy this one! 

Double unders
Ring dips 

5 Rounds for time;

10 Hang Power cleans  
15 Push ups
20 Air squats

Bench Press 5x2  

Monday, 12 November 2012

November 13 2012

Ring dips 3x5

4 Rounds for Time of;
12 Thrusters 95/65 
8 CTB Pull ups 
6 Shuttle runs carrying a weight plate. 25/10

Bench Press 5x2 

Sunday, 11 November 2012

November 12 2012

Thank you to everyone that came out and sweat ed with us for the Remembrance Day WOD.  It was long and gruelling but a great way to pay our respects to those who fought for our freedom.  If you missed the Hero WOD, don't worry, we are doing another one tomorrow.  All classes will run as normal tomorrow, look foreword to seeing you all then!

5 Rounds for time of;

50 Double unders
35 Knees to Elbows
20 Yard overhead walk 185/130

Thursday, 8 November 2012

November 9th 2012

Awesome job to everyone today! I know on nights like this all we want to do is curl up in a blanket and stay home.  Thanks for all your dedication and hard work! 

Headstands and Headstand toe taps 

7 Rounds for time of; 
7 Push Press 
7 Overhead squat  

Strength; Ring Dips, Kipp Pull ups and legless rope climb 

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

A nice little mix of strength and skill for your Thursday workout! 
Skills- Pistols 

For time;
20 Box Hops
5 Handstand walk ups 
20  Sumo Deadlift to high pull (75/95)
5 Dumbell squat cleans  (20/40)
20 Knees to Elbows 
5 Ring dips 
20 Wall balls 
5 Pull ups - Strict 
20 Double unders 

Strength- Overhead squat- 5 rep max 

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

November 7th 2012

Squats anyone?

A) 2 min AMRAP Double Unders 

B) 15 Min AMRAP of the following;
21 Kettle Bell swings ( we use weights for now)
15 Burpees
9 Hang Cleans 

C) 50 Toes to bar/ Knees to Elbows- no time limit just get em done!

Yes your burpess count towards this months challenge! 

Monday, 5 November 2012

November 6th 2012

Today's WOD was a quad smoker! Great job to all of you, especially the ones that did it in the morning rain!! 


Handstand Push ups 

50 knees to Elbows OR Toes to Bar

Sunday, 4 November 2012

November 05 2012

Hope you all had a great weekend and got some rest.  I did some food prep today as part of my normal Sunday routine and thought I would share it with you to help you out with your week.  I had some Key Lime Protein balls leftover from the nutrition workshop that I will continue to munch on for the week.  I whipped up some home made Pho.... yummm!!! Baked 3 yams for our breakfast this week and any other tasting things I decide to make with them. I also cut up some vegetables and boiled some egg's for easy snaking.  Links to these recipes will be up soon so keep an eye out! 

 Rope Climb 

4 Rounds for time; 
Run 400m 
50 Air squats 

Push press 

Saturday, 3 November 2012

November 4th 2012

Thank you to all that came out to the Nutrition workshop. I hope the information gave you a good understanding of the foods we eat and the hormonal response they create in the body.  Feel free to message me with any questions you may have. If you have not yet signed up for the newsletter please do so! I will be sending out some healthy recipes and tips on how to incorporate the information from today into our daily lives.  For tomorrow... REST. And do food prep for the week! 

Thursday, 1 November 2012

November 2 2012

Its Friday again! The week may not have gone as fast for some of you, but it flew by for me! Must have had something to do with the long weekend I took! Just letting you all know the WOD journals are in! I am really excited about these.  I encourage all of you to track your workouts.  We time and measure each workout to gauge progress.  Start logging your workouts and I grantee you will be amazed at your results when we repeat some of your favourites.  

For tomorrow 

3 Clean and Jerks every minute on the minute for 15 min