Thursday, 13 June 2013

After spending a weekend at the CrossFit Regionals I have been doing some thinking about what CrossFit is, and what is not.  Now this may seem like a bit of a rant to you, and in all honesty it sort of is.  First off CrossFit is not a fad, it has been around for over 15 years and is growing at an amazing rate for a good reason.  CrossFit is however a way of life, and when followed properly has a posative impact on all areas of your life.  CrossFit is NOT working out on you own listening to your ipod DOING CrossFit workouts that you have taken off a website or white board.  CrossFit IS getting your ass to class and working out with a community of people, suffering with them and encouraging everyone along the way.  CrossFit is NOT skipping workouts because you dont't "feel like it" or you are not good at it.  Seriously? Shut up and fucking run, snatch, overhead squat what ever you suck at.   If you cheat in your workouts, you cheat in life and that is a sign of a weak individual that will never fufill  there dreams. Ya I just said that.  To those of you that are working your ass off and embodying all that CrossFit is, props to you, keep setting a great example, it does not go unnoticed! Put everything you have into what you do, weather it is doing a burpee or washing the dishes.  Hold yourself to a higher standard and achieve more than you thought possible.  Todd Widman of CrossFit Headquarters said to our team this weekend, "CrossFit is trying to change the world, we are trying to make it a better place." These words will never leave me,  I am dedicated to building a strong confident community of individuals that will accept nothing but the very best.  

In 10 min find a 1 RM 

Tabata of 
Pull ups
Ring dips
Mod GHD sit ups 

Spend 2 min in pigeon pose  

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