Monday, 6 May 2013

Thank you so much for all your patience the last couple of days, it has been a bit hectic with Easton Lee! We have a really great community at CrossFit Pincher Creek and it is you guys that make the facility what it is.  Our community is the most important part of CrossFit, we sweat together, struggle together and help each other through the roughest of workouts, and through that we build friendships. This is not a gym we all walk into and turn our ipods on bust out a few bicep curls and walk out.  We work our asses off and you should all be PROUD of the work you do.  With that said, make the work you do something to be proud of.  DO not settle for a half ass air squat, or a crappy overhead position, work on your crap and perfect it.  Imagine walking into a CrossFit box with the top CrossFit athletes, what would they think of your movement standards? We want you all to reap the  benefits of CrossFit, in order to do that we have to ride your asses to do things properly and to do us proud if you are ever working out with Chris Spealler or Rich Fronning.  If you are wanting the very most out of this program (and why wouldn't you?) spend time getting really good at your weaknesses and listen to your coaches.. they know there stuff!! 

We have a rope climb in tomorrow's WOD so dress appropriately.
For time; 
50 Walking lunges 
50 Push ups
50 D.U's
25 K2E
1 Rope climb 
50 Box Jump 20/24
25 O.H Squat 45/65
50 L-Pull ups 
50 Sit ups 


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