Friday, 11 September 2015

Saturday September 12th 2015

We will be doing one of the workouts from the team series tomorrow! Join us at 10am for a fun class!

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Friday September 11 2015

Coach's choice dynamic 
Halting snatch deadlift+snatch high pull+snatch x 5 
Snatch high pull+ Hang Power Snatch + OHS x5 

Snatch- build to a max 

60 Cal row 
30 Hang Power Snatch 65/95
20 Burpee Box jumps 20/24
10 Hang Power Snatch 95/135 
*9 min Time cap 

Easy walk or row 
Friday group stretch 

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Thursday September 10th 2015

Running/ rowing skills 
Coach's choice dynamic 

Strength/ Skill 
10 min EMOM 
1 st- Wall walk + hip taps or 20 ft HS walk 
2nd- Bar Muscle up/ CTB or pull up 

Row or Run 5k 

Easy walk or row 
25 GHD sit ups
Couch stretch 2 min per side 

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Wednesday September 9th 2015

Coach's choice dynamic 
3 Position clean 

Squat clean- build to a max 

3 min AMRAP
30 Double unders 
30 Wall balls 

2 min rest 

200m row  
20 KBS 35/50 

2 min rest 

3 Min AMRAP 
100m sprint 
10 Burpees 

Easy walk or row 
25 GH extensions 
Calf smash and stretch 

Monday, 7 September 2015

Tuesday September 8th 2015

I had the opportunity to compete in the annual Outside The Box competition this year hosted by Optimum Performance Training and my coach Michael Fitzgerald.  It was an amazing event with programming that was very thought out and that truly tested fitness.  Over the weekend there were 10 events that tested me both mentally and physically. Running, jumping, stamina, strength, power endurance and metal toughness were all a part of the competition.  Below is a summary of my weekend for any one that is interested!

- The first event was a max weight split jerk and there are so many women that are stronger than me.  Alex Parker hit 215# for a PR, Erica Livett hit 250#.  INSANE.  The men were incredible as well Brent Fikowski hit a whopping 345#. 

- I Pr'd my Clean complex by 20# and that didn't touch anything the other girls were throwing up. 

- I have never felt pain like I did during the sled sprint.  My legs literally gave out when I was done  That was my second time pushing a sled and I didn't finish last.  

- My CTB need some serious work 

- Double KB thrusters are horrible. 

- The 800m sprint was the worse pain I have felt since the sled push.  This event took place at the Foothills Olympic track, outside in the freezing rain.  I Pr'd my 800m by 16 seconds taking 6th place overall!! This was a big accomplishment to me because of the calliper of athletes I was competing against.  I finish ahead of Erica Livett, this is a HUGE deal because she is Regional and Games athlete AND because it will never happen again in the history of ever.  

- I made Jason drive me directly to Home Depot following the sprint so I could walk laps and recovery properly rather than standing in the freezing rain. Lunges, butt kicks and some static stretches happened in the isles of Home Depot. Oh and I stood under the hand dryer for a solid 5.  

- The 40 min track workout in the freezing rain went better than expected.  Marcy and Craig took Easton for a while but made it back to cheer for me from there vehicles.  I could hear them and the kids yelling at me for every -Single- One -Of the 12 laps I made that night.  I finished 8th in that event and am really happy with how I did.  

- Jason stood in the pissing rain for 40 min with his stop watch to keep me on pace for every lap and cheer me on.  He was my rock all weekend and took such good care of me. 

- I am not as good of a Deadlifter as I thought.  

- I am not as good of a jumper as I thought. The best female seated box jump was 42" and the best male was 51". Incredible.  

- There was never once a visible clock throughout the entire competition.  Everyone that knows me knows how heavily I rely on the clock to help me pace.  

- All girls cry when we don't do as well as expected.  

- Alex Parker is the most amazing athlete and an even better person.  She was yelling at my during the sled push "Come on Paula you can do it!!" She took time to help me out during the hurdle jump even though she had her own game to focus on.  On the last day her mom approached me and explained that Alex was really rooting for me and even though I was hesitant to participate in this competition I need to keep up the good work. I cried.  

- Maybe I am biased but CrossFit brings together the most amazing people, ones that are pursuing greatness and see greatness in others.  I made so many new friends and shared some pretty cool moments with some pretty cool people.  

Every time I get out and do an event or take a course I come away with new tools and ways of helping each and everyone of you reach your goals and become the very best version of yourself.  I can not wait to bring all that I have learnt back to our little gym so I can help others.  I often think of my kids and teens that I am fortunate enough to work with and how much CrossFit can help them develop as little athletes.  Thank you for all your support, its each of you that drives me to be a better me! 

Burgner warm up- dowel 
Burgner warm up- bar 
Jerk warm up 

Split Jerk- Build to a max 

Thrusters 65/95
Pull ups 
*10 min time cap 
**Compare to August 10th 2015 

Easy walk or row 
40x banded lat pull downs 
Double bully 

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Friday September 4th 2015

We will start the 4:30 class up again today, Friday September 4th 
Saturday class has been moved back to 10am 
We will have one class on Monday in leu of the holiday at 10am 

Overhead prep 
Coach's choice dynamic 

10 min EMIM 
1st- 3-5 tough push ups - plyo if possible 
2nd- 3-5 Tough ring rows 

"Fight Gone Bad"
3 rounds for max reps with a continuous running clock 
1 min wall balls 
1 min Sumo Deadlift to high pull 55/75 
1 Min box jumps 20/24
1 min Push Press 55/75 
1 min row for cal 
1 min rest 

Easy walk or row 
Friday group stretch 

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Thursday September 3rd 2015

A few changes to our schedule for the fall; 
We will now be offering a 4:30 class on Friday's! Classes start this Friday. 

Saturday's class has been moved back to 10am 

CrossFit Kids starts  Friday September 11th @ 2:30pm 

Coach's choice dynamic 

10 min EMOM 
1st-  1 Legless rope climb 
2nd- 1 Wall walk + 2 hip tap 

1 Mile run 
5 min rest 
*Sub 1600m row if you HAVE to.  Or come at 6am when it is less windy! 

Easy walk or row 
25 GHD sit ups 
Couch stretch 2 min per side 

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Wednesday September 2nd 2015

Burgner- Dowel 
Burgner- Bar 
Skill transfer- Dowel 
Skill transfer- bar 

1 Squat Clean + 2 Front Squat EMOM x 10 75%

1 Squat snatch + 2 OHS EMOM x 10 75% 

Fot time 
50 Air squats 
400 m run 
30 T2B 
20 Weighted step overs 35/50 
10 ground to overhead 95/135 

Easy walk or row 
Monster walks 3x10 per direction 
Banded hamstring stretch 

Monday, 31 August 2015

Tuesday September 1st 2015

Coach's choice
Burgner Warm up- Dowel 
Burgner Warm up- Bar 

10 min EMOM 
1 st- 3-5 Kipping HSPU - go to a deficit if possible 
2nd 3 Hang Power Snatch @ 75% 1RM power snatch 
10 min EMOM 
1 st- 1-8 CTB Pull ups/Pull ups 
2nd- 3 Hang Power Clean @ 75% 1 RM Power Clean 

For time; 
KBS 35/50

Easy walk or row
Lat pull downs x 40 
Shoulder stretches with band 

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Monday August 31st 2015

A special Birthday WOD for Wendy!! 

Coach's choice dynamic 
32 Burpees 
32 Double unders 
32 sec plank 

Work to a max weight Turkish get up- try odd objects around the gym to keep this interesting 

4 Rounds for time 
8 DB Thrusters 35/50 
80 Double unders 
800m Row  

Easy walk or row 
Pec Stretches 

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Friday August 28th 2015

There will be no class this Saturday August 29th 2015! 

1000m row to warm up 
Coach's choice dynamic 

Death by Ring dips  

3 Rounds of "Barbara"
20 Pull ups 
30 Push ups 
40 Sit ups 
50 Squats 
3 min Rest 

Easy walk or row 
Friday group stretch 

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

August 27th 2015

3 Rounds
30 Doubles 
20 Sec HS hold 
10 Beat swings 

12 Min EMOM 
1st- 1 wall walk + 2 hip tap OR 20 ft HS Walk 
2nd- 6 V snaps 

3x800m Run 
* Record each individual time 
** If air quality is too poor to run sub rowing 

Easy walk or row 
Thread the needle 

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

August 26th 2015

Overhead prep 
Burnger warm up- Dowel 
Burgner warm ups- Bar 
Skill Transfer- Dowel
Skill Transfer -Bar 

Sots Press- Snatch- build to a challenging  set of 5 

5 RFT 
5 Squat Snatch 65/95/135 
10 Call Row 

Easy walk or row 
Side lying DB powell raises 
Double bully with a buddy or Bar 

Monday, 24 August 2015

Tuesday August 26th 2015

Coach's choice dynamic 
Burgner warm up 
3 Position clean 

1 Power Clean + 2 Hang Power clean + 3 Front squat 
Build to a max set 

Lunges/ leg 
Push ups 
Hollow Rocks 

Easy walk or row 
3x 10 Monster walks per leg 
Bretzle- 2 min per side 

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Monday August 24th 2015

I came across this article on the CrossFit Lethbridge blog as a repost.  I have read it several times and will probably read it 100 more to remind me to always bring things back to the basics.  
Crossfit is extraordinary in its breadth. The physical tasks we undertake are remarkable for their constant variation and immutable intensity.

To the beginning Crossfitter, the sheer size of the curriculum can be daunting. You'll learn Olympic lifts, gymnastics, sprinting, kettlebell swings, medicine ball work, basic nutrition, and a hundred other things. Crossfit has combined these modalities and a good dose of creativity to develop an inclusive model of fitness programming. 

In an effort to make Crossfit a little easier to deal with, here are some of the things you may want to consider.

1.) Virtuosity: Do every rep correctly, every time. Virtuosity is the pursuit of perfection. Become a stickler for form, and you will reap the benefits of Crossfit extremely quickly.

2.) Consistency: Get out of bed. Go to the gym. Get in the habit of showing up.

3.) Intensity: Strive to minimize the amount of time you spend resting in the middle of each workout. The less you rest, the stronger you'll become. Your workout times will plummet, and your health will skyrocket. Go hard!

4.) Nutrition: Eat enough calories to support vigorous exercise. Not eating is not a solution. Avoid alcohol, starch, and sugar like the plague. Eat lean meats, vegetables, low-GI fruits, and good fats. Fat is necessary for athletic performance--get it from almonds, avocados, olive oil, and fish oil. The best way to maintain a good diet? Clear all the crap out of your cupboards, and never ever buy it again.

5.) Sleep: Sleep is essential to your athletic development. When you sleep, you heal. Progress is a constant give and take between breaking down and building up--exercise breaks you down and sleep builds you up. Give your body the fuel it needs to heal--lean protein and fat immediately before bed will keep you in a good physiological state to burn fat and build muscle all night long. Sleep at least 8 hours every night. Make it a priority.

6.) Rest: Don't exercise every day. You'll burn out. Schedule rest days after every two or three days of heavy training. You can speed up healing with ice, compression, mobility work, and good supplementation.

7.) Instruction: Spend money on quality trainers, reading materials, seminars, and certifications. A few hundred bucks here and there will accelerate your gains much faster than advice from the counter guy at Gold's. 

8.) Comfort: Stray from the known path. Approach new skills as an opportunity to learn, not an opportunity to fail. The best athletes in the world spend all day working on their weaknesses, not reinforcing their strengths.

9.) Goals: Write everything down. Set goals and work to meet them every day. Look back over your progress, and change what needs to be changed.

10.) Stress: Your body doesn't distinguish between training stress and life stress. Minimize life stress to maximize your progress.

None of this is earth-shattering. Incorporate these tenets in your training, one by one. Follow them 90% of the time, and you'll find yourself at the top of the scoreboard each and every week.

Jon Gilson is the founder of Again Faster
800m run 
Coach's choice dynamic 

Sots Press- clean, build to a tough set of 5 

20 min AMRAP 
20 Thrusters 65/95 
20 Pull ups 
20 Burpees 

Easy walk or row 
30 Baned lat pull downs 
Pec stretch 

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Friday August 21st 2015

Coach's choice dynamic- Broad jump, Ring Dips, snatch high pull 

Bench Press- Work to a max 

3 Rounds 
1 min Wall Balls 14/20 
1 min Rest 
1 min power snatch 55/75 
1 min Rest 
1 min Double unders 
1 Min rest 

Easy walk or row 
Friday Group stretch 

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Thursday August 20th 2015

Our good friends Alecia and Kyle are getting married this weekend! Alecia has put up an invitation by the fountain for everyone at CFPC that would like to come out and celebrate with them, please check the poster for details.  Turns out we are kinda fun and you can't have too much fun at a wedding!! 

Running Drills 
Coach's choice dynamic 

3 Rounds 
1-5 Strict HSPU  box, adjust target etc but you MUST get 6" of travel for these to do any good 
10 Sumo KB deadlift to high pull+ American KBS 

4x600m run 
*Record each individual time 

Easy walk or row 
25 Banded KBS 
Couch stretch 2 min per side 

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Wednesday August 19th 2015

600m Run 
Jerk Werk 
3 Position cleans 

Clean and Jerk - In 15 min work to a max 

100 Burpees for time 

East walk or row 
25 GH Extenttions 
Pec smash 

Monday, 17 August 2015

Tuesday August 18th 2015

Coach's choice dynamic 
Burgner warm up- Dowel 
Burgner warm up bar 

10 min EMOM 
1 Snatch- start light and build as you go by 2.5#  If you fail twice remove weight 

For time 
10 OHS 55/75 
20 Pull ups 
30 Power Snatch 55/75
40 Box jumps 20/24 
50 Hollow Rock 
60 Push ups 
70 Squats 
80 Doubles 

* 30 min time cap 

Easy walk or row 
Legs up wall- hip stretch 

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Monday August 17th 2015

With the Festivus games coming up we thought it would be a great idea to start doing the WODs that are programmed for the competition at our Friday night socials.  The socials will start up again after the September long weekend, mark your calendars and join us whenever you can! Most importantly you NEED to get signed up, it will allow us to have a much more successful competition knowing our numbers so we can plan.  Head over to and sign up NOW! 

Focused shoulder mobility 
600m run 
Coach's choice dynamic 

Strict Press 
Weighted Pull ups 

5 RFT 
500m Row 
7 Thrusters 75/115 

* If rowers are an issue we can have some start with conditioning while other do strength or do a 500m run instead. 

Easy walk or row 
Banded lat pull downs x50 
Shoulder stretches with bands 

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Friday August 14th

3 Rounds 
200m row 
1 round "Cindy" 

10 min EMOM 
1st- 2 tough Bench Press 
2nd- AMRAP UB Chin ups 

3 Rounds 
1 min OHS 45/55 
1 min Rest 
1 min step down box jumps 20/24 
1 min Rest 
1 Min Power Cleans- drop every rep 95/135 
1 min Rest 
1 min step down box jumps 
1 min rest 

Easy walk or row 
Friday group stretch 

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Thursday August 13th 2015

1 mile run 
Coach's choice dynamic.  Inch worm/Spiderman Walk/ Bear Crawl 

3 Rounds 
5 Bent press/side 
10 Double KB Push press 

5x 400m run 
*2 min rest between rounds 
** Record individual times 

Easy walk or row 
25 Banded lat pull downs 
Banded pigeon 2 min per side 

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Wednesday August 12th 2015

800m Run 
Burgner warm up- Dowel 
Burgner warm up- Bar 
3 Position Cleans 

1 Power clean + 2 Hang Power Cleans x6 sets 

16 min AMRAP
50 Burpees 
40 Weighted Step overs 35/50 20/24 
30 K2E
20 KBS 
10 Muscle ups or Ring dips or Push ups 

Easy walk or row 
Couch Stretch 2 min per side 

Monday, 10 August 2015

Tuesday August 11th 2015

Double under practice 
Burgner warm up 
Skill transfer exercises 

1 Power snatch + 2 Hang Power Snatch x 6 sets @ 70-75% 
1:30 between sets 

10 min AMRAP
30 Double unders 
15 Power Snatch 55/75

Easy walk or row 
Double bully 

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Monday August 10th 2015

Shoulder mobility 
800m run 
Coach's choice dynamic 

Strict Press 
Weighted Pull ups 

For time 1-10 
Thrusters 65/95 
Pull ups 
* 10 min time cap 

Easy walk or row 
Sub scap visit 

Friday, 7 August 2015

Saturday August 8th 2015

Group run 
Coach's choice dynamic 

Work on your weakest lift for 20 min 

Partner WOD
14 min AMRAP  Alternating partners each round 
7 Wall balls 14/20 
7 KBS 35/50
7 Box jumps 20/24

Easy walk or row 
Group stretch 

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Friday August 7th 2015

3x 200m run 
5 beat swing
5 Push ups 
10 Lunges 

Bench Press 
10 min EMOM 
1st- 3 Tough Bench Press
2nd- AMRAP Chin ups 

24 min EMOM 
1st- Ring push ups- set rings as low as possible, hips and chest lower at the same time 
2nd- Lungs in front rack 95/135
3rd-10 Lateral Burpees 
4rd- AMRAP doubles
5th- Rest 

Easy walk or row 
Friday group stretch 

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Thursday August 6th 2015

* August fees are due 

1 mile run 
Hamstring mobility 
Running drills 

3 Rounds 
5 Bent Press / side 
10 Russian KBS 50/70 

8x200m Run- 1 min rest between efforts 

Easy walk or row 
Couch Stretch- 2 min per side 

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Wednesday August 5th 2015

800m run 
Coach's choice dynamic 
Burnger warm up 
Skill transfer exercise 

Build to snatch weight 

1 Snatch EMOMx12. 6@80%, 6@ 85% 
1 Clean and Jerk EMOM x 12. 6 @80%, 6@ 85% 

Easy walk or row 
Legs up wall or rig 

Monday, 3 August 2015

Tuesday August 4th 2015

Shoulder mobility 
Coach's choice dynamic - Burpee broad jumps, scap pull ups Bear crawl 

Strict Press 3-3-3-3-3 

Strict Pull ups 
* Weighted or scaled to your ability but all sets should be challenging 

12 min AMRAP
15 box jump 
12 Push Press 80/115 
9 T2B 

Easy walk or row 
Shoulder stretches with band
Double bully 

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Monday August 3rd 2015

Heritage Day Hero WOD Monday August 3rd 1t 10am!

20 min AMRAP 
2 Muscle ups/ CTB
4 HSPU/ Push ups 
8 KBS 50/70 or 35/50 

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Friday July 31st 2015

We will be closed Monday August 3rd for the long weekend, but we will of course have a fun WOD at 10am for anyone that is sticking around town this weekend.

800m run 
Coach's choice 

10 min EMOM
1st 3-4 Tough bench press
2nd 4-6 Tough ring rows 

20 min EMOM
1st- HSPU or Push ups 
2nd- 10 OH walking lunges 25/45 
3rd- 10 Lateral Burpees 
4th 30-50 Double unders 
5th- Rest 

Easy walk or row 
Friday Group stretch 

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Thursday July 30th 2015

Hamstring/ groin mobility 
Running drills 

5 Bent Press per side  
10 Candlestick 

800m run 
1600m run 
800m run 
400m run 

*Work to rest ratio is 1:1 

Easy walk or row 

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Wednesday July 29th 2015

Congratulations to Greg Walter for passing his CrossFit Level 1 exam! It has been a pleasure to be a part of Greg's CrossFit journey, to have him help others reach there goals seems so fitting.  We are so proud of you Greg, welcome to the team!! 

3x 1 min AMRAP Double unders 
      5 Empty bar jerk 
      5 Push ups 
Burgner warm up 
3 Position cleans 

1 Squat clean + 2 Jerk EMOM x10 

3 Hang Power cleans 105/155 
10 Buprees 
30 Double unders 

Easy walk or row 
Lat pull downs 3x20 
Sub scap visit 

Monday, 27 July 2015

Tuesday July 28th 2015

800 m run 
Burgner warm up 

1 Snatch Balance + 2 OHS

8 min AMRAP 
1,2,3,4 etc
Power Snatch  75/115 

Easy walk or row 
Alexander shoulder stretch 

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Monday July 27th 2015

Well I was glued to my TV screen today catching up on the CrossFit Games! I hope you were able to catch some of the events and witness the amazing athleticism that was being demonstrated!

500m row 
Overhead prep 
Coach's choice dynamic 

Strict Press 
4-4-4-4-4 - 2 min 
Pull ups 
4-4-4-4-4- 1 min 
* weighted if possible 

For time; 
1000m row 
50 Thrusters 45/35
30 pull ups 

Easy walk or row 
Pecs/ Shoulders 

Thursday, 23 July 2015

July 24th 2015

3 Rounds 
3 Strict pull ups 
6 Strict burpees 
9 Wall balls 

Bench Press 

20 min EMOM 
1st- 250m row 
2nd-1-6 Kipping pull ups- unbroken 
3rd- 12 Thrusters 45/65
4th- Max push ups in 20 sec 
5th- Rest 

Easy walk or row 
Friday group stretch 

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Thursday July 23rd 2015

800m Run 
Coach's choice dynamic 

3 Rounds of 
5 Bent Press/ side 
10 Candlesticks 

4 Rounds 
100m Farmer Carry L 
100m Farmer Carry R 
5 30 " Box Jumps 
1 Rope climb 

Easy walk or row 

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Wednesday July 22 2015

3 rounds 
5 Reverse med ball toss 
10 Goblet squats 
15 Double unders

Burgner warm up 

10 min EMOM 
1 Power Clean 
1 Below the knee squat clean 
1 Front squat 
@ 65-70% 

8 Min AMRAP  
50 Double unders 
20 Lunges 
5 Ring dips 

Easy walk or row 

Monday, 20 July 2015

Tuesday July 21st 2015

Some of you may have heard about the upcoming Festivus Games that CFPC will be hosting October 17th 2015.  You can register and check out the website Here to see what it all entails.  We are so excited to host this amazing event at our gym and wanted to let all of our members know right away as we will only be accepting a limited number of registrants. This competition is only for beginner and intermediate CrossFitters only so no fire breathers! Basically if you scaled any of the Open workouts you are welcome to participate.  We will also be needing some volunteers to help with judging, set up etc. so please let me know if you are interested.  A large portion of your registration fee goes directly to our gym so we can purchase some new and exciting toys to play with, also registration does go up every month so register now to save some coin! 

1 min AMRAP double unders x 3. 1 min rest between efforts 
Hip mobility 
Burnger warm up 

1 Power Snatch 
1 Below the knee Squat snatch 
1 OHS 
EMOM x 10 @ 65-70% 

10 RFT 
200m run 
4 T2B 

Easy walk or row 
Double bully 

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Monday July 20th 2015

800m run 
Overhead prep 

Push Press 5-5-5-5-5 
Weighted pull ups 5-5-5-5-5 

150 Wall balls for time 14/20 9'/10' 

Easy walk or row 
Couch Stretch 2 min per side 
VMO Love 

Saturday, 18 July 2015

July 18th 2015

Coach's choice dynamic 

Deadift- work to a max 

Partner "Kelly" 
5 Rounds
400m Run 
30 Box Jumps 20/24
30 Wall Balls 14/20 

Working in partners this workout will be preformed in relay format.  Partner 1 will run 200m, tag partner two and partner two will run 200m. Partner one will then perform 15 box jumps, tag partner two and they will then prefrom 15 box jumps.  The same will continue for wall balls and the remaning 4 rounds.  One partner working at a time. 

Group stretch 

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Friday July 17th 2015

All the best to Kim and Kieran this weekend on there BIG day, we can not wait to share it with you!

Dynamic hip openers 

Back Squat- build to a 1 RM

3 Rounds 
AMRAP  UB Strict pull up 
Rest 1 min 
Rest 1 min 
1 MIN AMRAP double unders 
Rest 1 min 
AMRAP UB Kipping pull ups 
Rest 1 min 
Rest 1 min 

Couch stretch 2 min per side 
Group stretch 

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Thursday July 16th 2015

Tripple under practice 
Coach's choice dynamic 

Bent press 3x5 Per side 
Candlesiticks 3x10 

4 Rounds 
Row for m 30 sec 
Rest 30 sec 
Single arm KB carry 30 sec 
Rest 30 sec 
100m (30 sec)  med ball carry 
Rest 30 sec 

** Alt arm per round 

Easy walk or row 
Banded pigeon stretch 

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Wednesday July 15th 2015

Coach's choice dynamic 

in 50 min; 
Run 5K 
In remaining time build to a 1RM Snatch 

Easy walk or row 
Shoulder work 
Hamstring stretch up rig 

Monday, 13 July 2015

Tuesday July 14th 2015

800m run 
Front rack prep 
Burgner Warm up 

Power Clean- Build to a max 

Every 4 min x 3 
Power Cleans @ 70% of above 

Easy walk or row 

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Monday July 12th 2015

Testing week! We will be testing both Front squat and back squat this week along with some capacity testing for the upcoming cycle.  Be prepared for some longer workouts with higher volume and a bit of running! I will post a bit more about how programming will look for the next 6 weeks next Monday so you know what to expect each week.  Lower body strength and power was the focus last cycle, I am looking to improve upper body strength and capacity over summer- I hope you enjoy it. 

Prep-10 min 
800m Run 
Coach's choice dynamic 

Strength-15 min   
Front Squat- Build to a 1RM 

Conditioning- 30 min 
"Filthy Fifty" 
For time 
50 Box Jumps 20/24
50 Jumping Pull ups 
50 KB Swing 35/50 
50 Walking lunge 
50 Knees to Elbows 
50 Push Press 35/50 
50 Back Extensions (Good mornings)
50 Wall Balls 14/20 
50 Burpees 
50 Double unders 
* 30 min Time cap 

Recovery -5 min 
Easy walk or row 
3 position shoulder work 

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Saturday July 11th 2015

800 m run 
Coach's choice dynamic 

20 min of gymnastics skill work 

Partner "Jack" 
10 Push Press 80/115
10 KBS 1/1.5 Pood 
10 Box Jump 20/24

* 1 Partner working at a time, alternating rounds 

Group stretch- spend some time on your feet