Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Wednesday January 1 2013

Happy New Year!! We will have WOD's at 10am and 11am on New Years Day, we hope to see you all there, hung over or not! Please come with some goals in mind as  we would like you to write your goals down along with your name and hand them off to your coach.  This will allow us to help you achieve all your goals for 2014. DREAM BIG THINGS. 

"Filthy Fifty" 
50 Box Jumps
50 Jumping Pull ups 
50 KBS 35/50
50 Walking Lunge 
50 K2E
50 Push Press 45
50 Goodmornings 45
50 WBS 14/20 10ft Target 
50 Burpees 
50 Double unders 

* 30 Min Time cap 

Monday, 30 December 2013

Tuesday December 31st 2013

1 Mile run/ 1000m row 
Coach's choice dynamic 

3-5 Weighted ring dips EMOM for 10 Min 

Jason's Birthday WOD!!
11 Deadlift 85/115
11 Hang clean 85/115
11 Shoulder to overhead 
Rest 2 Min then;
11 Pull ups 
11 Air squats 

Shoulder stretches with band 

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Monday December 30th 2013

Well I was lost in a Christmas vortex the last week or so, how about you? The nice thing about completely de railing from a healthy diet and lifestyle is getting back on the health wagon.. I am SO ready!! This week is still a bit of a modified schedule but MOST classes will be running.  See below for this weeks schedule.  Tomorrow marks the start of a new cycle for us here at CFPC.  This cycle will help improve our squats, Olympic lifts and overhead strength.  The main goal of this is to prepare us for the upcoming open, which takes place in February.  You can all expect A LOT of squatting, A LOT of Olympic lifting and speed work for getting the bar overhead.  We have progressed so much as athletes since starting CrossFit and I am looking foreword to seeing what amazing things happen for each of you in 2014.  With that said please start to think about some goals you would like to achieve this year.  Your coach's will help you to come up with some goals if you get stuck, but we would love to see you write them down and put them in a pocket of your gym bag.  Whenever you feel defeated or lazy, pull them out and remind yourself why you are here! I have decided to start a competitors class on Saturday's at 11am.  This class is for those interested in improving their skills and taking part in some competitions in 2014. Saturday's seem to be a great time for us all to train together.  Regionals 2014... lets give it a shot!! 

This weeks Schedule; 

Monday 6am, 9am, 5:30pm 
Tuesday 6 am, 12:00pm 
Wednesday - "Filthy Fifty" 10am and 11am 
Thursday  6am, 1200pm,5:30pm
Friday 6am, 9am
Saturday 10am, 11am Competitors class 

Coach's choice dynamic 

Back Squat Week 1

Row 2000m 

25 Banded air squats 
Couch stretch 2 Min per side 

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Monday December 23rd 2013

The gym hours over the holidays;
Monday December 23rd - Regular gym hours 
Tuesday December 24th- CLOSED
Wednesday December 25th- CLOSED
Thursday December 26th- Memorial WOD 10am and 11am 
December 27th- 30th Regular hours 
December 31st- Jason's Birthday WOD and open gym 10-4
January 1st - Closed 

We have decided to stay another day here in Vancouver putting us home late Monday night.  I am trying to find someone to open up the gym early Monday morning so all you hard cores can get this WOD in.  Keep in mind this is a de loading week, enjoy yourselves, indulge a little and be ready to hit some testing next week :-) 

Happy Holiday's everyone !!

3x Row 500m
7 Burpees 
* Share the rowers peeps!! 

Work on the lift you want to see the biggest improvment in, but do not exceed 70% of 1 RM 

Double unders 
Sit ups 
Wall Balls 14/20 

Couch stretch 2 min per side 

Friday, 20 December 2013

Saturday December 21st 2013

Just confirming the Hero WOD to honor Taylor for Boxing day at 10 am and 11 am.  Prpare yoursleves, this is going to be a gruling workout to show that we are suffering as a community for the loss of a very amazing young man.  The family has asked that instead of flowers or money, a donation to the Children's Hospital be made.  Please bring your donations to the Boxing day Hero WOD if you want to contribute.  

20 Shuttle runs
40 Scap push ups 
60 Double unders 

Work on a lift you missed this week or squat.  We can never squat enough! 

EMOM for 10 min 

Rest 2 min then; 
10 Min 
30 Seconds on 30 Seconds off max m row.    

Foam roll legs and hips 

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Friday December 20th 2013

Run 1 mile/ Row 1000m
20 Jumping jacks 
10 Pass though
10 Good mornings 
10 hollow rocks 
10 Back extention 

Find a 1 RM overhead squat 

30 Snatch for time 95/135

1 Min bottom squat position 
Shoulder smash with a buddy 

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Thursday December 19th 2013

There is so much sadness amongst our whole town for the Elliott and Davidsion family's, along with everyone close to Taylor.  My heart aches for each and everyone affected by Taylor's loss.  Michelle is a huge part of our CrossFit community and Bill Elliot is a long time member of the gym.  I understand a few of you have taken time to go see the family and drop a few things off, thank you.    Knowing that our whole town is showering the Elliott's with love makes it a little easier to be away right now.  A few of you have came foreword and wanted to do something for the Michelle and James, if you have any ideas please share them.  I thought maybe we could all pitch in and purchase a tree to be planted in Taylor's honour, just an idea.  Our Boxing Day WOD will be a Hero WOD in Taylor's honour this year and every year to follow.  I am just coming up with the rep scheme now so again if anyone has any ideas please share them.  Our Boxing day WOD will be at 10am December 26th, please come in and show your support for Michelle and her family, suffer, shed some tears and honor the life of a very special young man.  

10 Jump lunges 
10 Hand release push ups 
10 Shoulder press 

Find a 1RM Push Jerk 

3 RFT 
3 Full gasser sprint across gym 
5 push press Power clean 105/155 
15 Burpees 

Alexander shoulder stretch on wall  

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Wednesday December 18th 2013

Run 1 Mile/ Row 1000 m
10 Overhead walking lunges 
10 Pass through's 
10 Push ups 

Find a 1 RM Snatch Balance 

For time;
150 Wall balls 
90 Double unders 

Pigeon stretch with band 

Monday, 16 December 2013

In 3 Min find max double unders 
Focused mobility work 
Coach's choice dynamic

Find a 1 RM Weighted pull up
* This could mean find a way to do a strict pull up with the lightest band possible 

In two attempts find an un broken max rep; Rest as needed between exercises.  

A)  CTB pull ups. 
* This could mean find max rep kipping pull ups
B) Max Ring dips 
* Use band if needed 
C) Max HSPU 
* If you can not get full depth find max unbroken push ups 
D) Max T2B 

Calf smash + whatever else is sore! 

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Monday December 16th 2013

Typically this week would be a de-loading week but with Christmas right around the corner I figured it would be a great time to do some testing.  Take a few extra rest days over Christmas and be ready to hit it hard in the New Year.  Our next cylce will is all about prepairing for the open and increading our work capacity.  I know a few of you are unable to attend 4 or more classes a week but some of the strength movemtns we do are only effective if they are done with some consistancy and repeated week to week.  Please take advantage of open gym time to work on missed lifts, specific mobility work and of course weaknesses!

Run 1 Mile/ Row 1000m 
Athlete specific mobility work- Ask your coach's for help on this 
Burgener warm up 

"Outlaw Total"
Min 0- Min 10- Find a 1RM Snatch 
Min 10-Min 20 Find a 1 RM Clean and Jerk 
Min 20- Min 30 Find a 1 RM Front squat 
Min 30- Min 35 Clean up 
Min 35- Min 50 "Cindy" As many rounds as possible of 5 Pull ups, 10 Hand Release Push ups, 15 Air squats 

* Score is the total combined weight for snatch, clean and jerk, front squat and rounds of Cindy 

Trap Smash 

Thursday, 12 December 2013

December 13th 2013

2 Min max double unders 
Athlete specific mobility work.. ask your coaches 

Back squat 

Row 1000m 
Rest 2 Min 
100 Burpees for time

Athlete specific mobility work 

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

December 12 2013

Christmas party and social WOD will start around 5:30pm... if you choose to wait until then to do this very special WOD that is just fine with us!! If you would rather stick to your regular class time just pop down grab a drink and a snack and come cheer us all on! 

Row 1000m or Run 1 Mile 
Samson Stretch 
10 Leg swings per side 

The workout goes just like the song so listen to it tonight, and sing it to yourself all the way through the workout!
4,3,2,1...... etc. 

2. T2B
3. Push ups 
4. Burpees 
5.Pull ups 
6. Air squats
7. Doubles 
8. Box jumps 20/24
9. Sit ups 
10. WBS 14/20
11. KBS 35/50
12. Overhead walking lunges 

Lie on the floor 

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Row 500m 
Upper back openers 
Bottom squat position 1 min 
Leg swings 

In 10 min find a 1RM Snatch 
In 10 Min Find a 1RM Clean and jerk 

Fight gone bad style; 
2 Rounds;
Row for calories 
Double unders 
Sit ups 

Shoulder stretches with band 

Monday, 9 December 2013

Tuesday December 10th 2013

5 Pull ups 
10 Lunge complex 
15 Push ups 

Box Squat 5x5 
* Increase 5-10 lbs from last week 

Barbell complex 
6 Rounds for max load.  Do not set the barbell down for all 9 repetitions.  If you do, it is an immediate 25 burpee penalty.  Weights can be repeated but not decreased.  

3 Deadlift 
3 Hang clean 
3 Push jerk 

Couch stretch 2 min per side 
Trap smash 

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Monday December 9th 2013

Just a reminder!! Our customer appreciation social WOD is this THURSDAY at 5:30 PM.  Please stop in, bring a snack if you so choose, do the WOD and hang out with us before the chaos of the season kicks in! 

Shoulder/Hip mobility 
Overhead walking lunge 
Bottom position 

Bent Row
* Start 5lbs heavier than last week

50 Doubles
10 Overhead squat 95/135

Calf smash 
Alexander shoulder stretch on wall 

Friday, 6 December 2013

Saturday December 7th 2013

10 Shuttle runs 
5 Burpees 

Work on a lift you missed this week 

10 Rounds for time 
10 Walking lunges 
10 Push ups 

Foam roll legs and hips 

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Friday December 6th 2013

I am really proud of the community that is being built at CFPC.  One thing I have noticed and I would like to see an improvement on is a bit more encouragement from those that have finished the workout. I understand it is diffiult for some of you to stick around until everyone has finished up but even just a few words of encouragement go a long way! After you scrape yourself up off the floor, cheer on your hard working peers before you clean up your equipment, this is the spirit of CrossFit!! 

Roll out your stiff bits from yesterday...
30 Burpees 
20 Scapular pull ups
10 Box jump  

Weighted pull ups/Strict/ Negatives 

10 Min AMRAP
20 Pistols
10 Hollow Rocks
5 Ring dips 

Banded pigeon 

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Thursday December 5th 2013

Foam roll legs and calves 
1 shuttle run 1 Burpee 10x

Hang Power cleans 5x5

30 Thrusters 65/95
30 Box Jump 20/24
30 Double unders 
20 Power clean and Jerk 65/95
20 Sit ups 
20 Burpees 
10 Power Snatch 65/95
10 HSPU/ Push ups 
10 T2B 

Lie on the floor 

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Wednesday December 4th 2013

Ankle. calf mobility 
30 Burpees 
Goblet squat - 1 Min 

Box Squats 5x5 

EMOM for 20 Min 
Odd- 7 Push ups 
Even 3 Front squat at 75% of 1RM 

25 Banded squats 
25 Air squats 
Couch stretch 

Monday, 2 December 2013

Tuesday December 3 2013

As many of you have heard a member of community is missing her son.  Michelle Elliott and her family are looking for any information that may lead to finding Taylor.  Please send thoughts and prayers her way, Taylor is an awesome kid and we hope he finds his way home safe and sound. 

30 Burpees
Samson Stretch  
Overhead squat position 1 Min 

In 10 Min find a 1 RM Clean and Jerk 
In 10 Min find a 1 RM Snatch 

"Flight Simulator"
Unbroken Double unders 
*15 Min time cap 

Calf smash 

Sunday, 1 December 2013

December 1 2013

25% Off all December Fees!

Holiday Hours will be;
December 24th and 25th CLOSED
December 26th 10am WOD 

December 31st- CLOSED
January 1st- 10am WOD 

Our Customer Appreciation WOD and Social has been moved Thursday December 12th at 5:30 ish  until whenever ish... come on in for a workout, some snacks and the shaving of Craig's moustache!! 

There is a CrossFit Level 1 seminar offered in Red Deer this January.  CrossFit Pincher Creek could really use another Coach or two.  A couple of you have expressed some interest in this course and I encourage you to see it though if only for your own personal benefit.  We would love to see a couple of our guys step up and take the course, we love all our female coach's but it would be great to have another Male coach step up and encourage some of our male athletes. 

For Monday 

30 Burpees 
Dynamic warm up of shoulders and legs 

Bent Row
Start 5lbs heavier than last week 

Wall Balls 14/20
Pull ups 

Calf smash 
Down Dog 2 min 

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Friday November 29th 2013

There will be a social WOD Friday night at 5ish.  Come in and make up a WOD, mobilize and/or work on some skills.  Cold beverages welcome! 

Saturday is the Santa Clause Parade in Fort Mcleod.  It is really important to me to take Easton this year.  Class will no be canceled but instead will be moved to 9am.  I hope that doesn't mess everyone up too much, my little man trumps Saturday am class! 

30 Burpees 
20 SDHP With dowel 
Burgener Warm up 

Hang Clean 

Death by Cluster... 

Stretch what is  sore...   

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Thursday November 28th 2013

Our next foundations program start December 2nd! Get your sessions in before the New Year and start 2014 off with a bang! 

Social WOD Friday at 5 ish... beverages welcome! 

10 Inch worm 
10 Scapular pull ups
10 Scapular push ups 
1 Min bottom squat position 

Weighted pull ups 

20 Min AMRAP
400 m run
20 Push ups 
3 Shoulder to overhead 95/135

Bully stretch with band 

Monday, 25 November 2013

Tuesday November 26th 2013

5 Strict Burpees 
10 Strict T2B
20 Pistols 

Week 4 
Box Squats 5x5
* Go up 5-10 lbs from last week 

100 Burpees for time 

50 Banded squats 
50 Air squats 
Couch Stretch 2 min per side 

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Monday November 25th 2013

Ankle/ Foot mobility 
Run 400 m/ 40 Shuttle runs 
5 Box jump 
10 Thrusters with wooden dowel
15 Light KBS 

5x5 Bent Row 
Start 5lbs heavier than last week 

" Morrison"
Wall Balls
Box Jumps 
*25 Min Time cap 

Calf smash 
Couch stretch 

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Friday November 22 2013

I have placed the order for Rogue so everything should be in by next week- ish.  Below is a list of what was ordered.  Please let me know If I have missed anyone.  Most of the Ropes are going to be around $25 with shipping and the conversion. I will have an exact amount shortly.

For the Short handle speed ropes I have;

For the long handles;

Shoulder mobility 
30 Shuttle runs 
10 KB Deadlifts
10 KB Sumo deadlift to high pull 
10 Russian Swings 
10 American Swings 

Box Squat 
* go up 5-10 lbs from last week 


Legs up wall 
Groin stretch 

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Thursday November 21 2013

Prep/ Mobility 
Ankle mob 
5,10,15,20,15,10,5 Double unders.  If you have double unders, do this un broken! 
Static holds 
20 Sec Ring hold 
20 Sec static bar hang 
20 Sec Handstand hold 

Strict Pull ups/ Pull up negatives 

5 RFT  
5 Ring Dip 
10 HSPU/ Negatives 
15 Box jumps 

Calf smash
Down Dog- 2 Min 

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Wednesday November 20th 2013

We will be having a customer appreciation and social WOD Friday December 6th from 5ish until whenever ish.  We are getting into a busy time of year so mark your calendars! Friday night has become a bit of a social time at the gym where anyone can come in, work on some skills, chat and play! Although I can not commit to every Friday I hope to keep this trend going! I hope to see you all on December 6th to make that social WOD a special one and thank you all for your patronage over the last year. 

Prep/ Mobility 
Foam roll upper back, lats 
20 Wall slides 
30 Reverse fly's 
40 Shuttle runs
Accumulate 60 seconds in bottom overhead squat position 

In 10 Min find a 1RM Snatch 

5 min EMOM
8/12 Push ups 
Rest 2 min

5 Min EMOM 
7 Thrusters 65/95 
Rest 2 min 

5 Min EMOM
6 Power snatch 65/95 

Low back twist 
Alexander shoulder stretch on wall 

Monday, 18 November 2013

Tuesday November 19th 2013

Prep/ Mobility 
Hammy smash with lacross ball 
20 Shuttle runs 
Leg swings 

in 10 Min find a 1RM Clean and Jerk

For time;
32 WBS 14/20 
16 Burpees 
8 Pull ups 
4 Power clean 105/155
8 Pull ups 
16 Burpees 
32 WBS 14/20

Bully stretch with band 

Sunday, 17 November 2013

November 18th 2013

I have finally tally'd up the points from the nutrition challenge.  Congratulations Sue Milligan! Sue worked really hard to stick to the challenge (other than the whole scone incident) and noticed some pretty big changes in her over all focus and performance.  Great job Sue, not only do you get the reward of feeling better, you won a $50 gift card to Co-op!  Awesome job to everyone that signed up for the challenge.  Continue to put all that you learned into practice and we will start a new challenge with the New Year!

Week 3

Prep/ Mobility 
 Ankle prep 
10 KB Deadlift 
10 Russian Swing 
5 American Swing 

Bent Row 5x5
Start 5lbs heavier than last week 

Alternating Tabata of;
Double unders 
Kettle Bell swings 35/50

Calf smash
Foreword fold  

Thursday, 14 November 2013

We will be having another social WOD around 5:00 Friday night.  Come on in and work on some skills if you can!

Snatch prep 
Lunge complex
Burgener Warm up 

Work on Snatch for 10 min 

5 T2B
10 Front squat 
20 Burpees 

2 Min in downdog 
2 Min in pigeon 

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Thursday November 14th 2013

Dynamic shoulder warm up 
20 Scapular push ups 
20 Scapular pull ups 
20 Wall slides 
Burgener Warm up 

Wok on Clean and Jerk for 10 min 

5 Rounds for Quality 
5 Ring dips 
4 Pistols 
3 Strict pull ups/ L-pull ups
2 Wall walks 
1 Bar Muscle up / Progression 

Bicep and tricep smash 

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Wednesday November 13th 2013

Light roll of chest and shoulders 
Lunge complex 5x
Wall slides 10x

Box squats
5x5 Go up 5-10 lbs from last week 

7 Push ups 
14 KBS 

25 Banded air squats 
Couch stretch 2 min per side 

Monday, 11 November 2013

Tuesday November 12 2013

Great job to everyone that did "Nutts" today.  What an amazing community we have. 

Improve front rack position 

Run 400m 
5 Deadlift 
5 Hang power clean 
5 Front squat 
5 Shoulder to overhead 
* Build load each round 

Bent row week 2

Death by Power Clean 105/ 155

Legs up wall, Pigeon
Low back release with block 
Foreword fold 

Sunday, 10 November 2013

We will be doing "Nutts" at 10am tomorrow morning.  This is not a coached class, but a time for us to  get together and do a Hero WOD in honour of Remembrance day.  The gym will be open at 10 am and we will start the workout by 10:25 am.  No matter where we are in the workout we will all stop and take a moments of silence at 11:00.  Hope to see you all tomorrow! 

10 Handstand Pushups
15 Deadlift (185/250#)
25 Box Jump (24/30″)
50 Pullups
100 Wall Ball (14/20#)
200 Double Unders
400m Run w/ 25/45# Plate
When you are suffering through this workout, remember what others do for us. This workout is named after Canadian Soldier and Hero Andrew Nuttall. He trained at CrossFit Vancouver, served our country, and died for us, our country, and the pursuit of world peace.
- See more at: http://crossfitnorthvancouver.com/2013/11/remembrance-day-is-hero-day-at-cfnv/#sthash.IRwb1nfi.dpuf

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Friday November 8th 2013

Awesome job to everyone that came in to do the WOD today!! My favorite quote was "It looked hard, do I figured I better come do it" Way to embrace the suck everyone, we all suffered together.  My motivation? Watching Jacey do it 7 months pregnant... props!!! 

There is a few of us meeting up at the gym at 5:00 tomorrow (Friday) to work on some skills and socialize.  Join us if you can, the more the merrier! 

10 Scapular push ups 
10 Scapular pull ups 
10 Banded air squats 

Strict pull ups/ Negatives/ L- Pull ups 

1 Bar Muscle up OR Strict ring dip 
10 Pistols 

50 Hollow rocks 
Hip mobility 

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Thursday November 7th 2013

Snatch prep- Foam roller or double lacross ball + oly bar= bliss

Run 400m
10 KBS
10 Single arm snatch 
10 Single arm overhead squat 

Work on Snatch for 10 min.  If it feels good work up to a 1RM

100 Burpee pull ups for time 

Pec smash 
Shoulder smash 

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Wednesday November 6th 2013

Wall squats
Wall slides
Bottom squat position 

Box squats 

 12 min EMOM
Even 10 Wall ball 
Odd 5 Push ups 

25 Banded air squats 

Monday, 4 November 2013

Tuesday November 5th 2013

Roll out legs 
Shoulder mobility 

10 Deadlift 
10 Hang clean 
10 Front squat 
10 Shoulder to overhead 
* Preform with an empty bar 

In 10 Min build to a heavy clean and jerk 

10 Front Sqauts 
10 Gound to overhead (75/115) ( 95/135) 
10 Double unders 
10 T2B 
* This is a modified version of Taranis event 8. If you choose to do original event it is 30 of each exercise.  
** 15 Min time cap

Hip mobility 

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Monday November 4th 2013

I  had a bit of a challenging weekend.  I have been chatting with the Coach's of the Mustangs Football team about some off season conditioining for the players. How awesome would it be to get some of these younger guys to buy into CrossFit?  How much would there performance improve? Don't we all wish we had started this at 16 years old? Well it turns out the second I walked off the field a mother, with no education or background in health and wellness, starting bashing CrossFit.  Why did she wait until I was off the feild to do this? Because my ass is nicer than hers, thats why.  I feel at times I spend more time defending CrossFit rather than coaching CrossFit.  I could go on for days as to why CrossFit has changed my life, why I belive in it and why these mis conceptions are a load of BS, but instead I will lead by example, I will hold true to what I belive in and I will continue to educate myself so I can help each one of you reach your true potential.  To help you move  the way we were intended to, and to reach further than you ever thought possible. I do need your help thogh, I need our CFPC community to do the same.  I understand that what I am asking is not easy, keep your cool when someone bashes what we feel so strongly about? Not easy! Take the high road, lead by example, see it though,improve your front rack position,  work hard, do" Fran"... its all hard! But CrossFitter's are a different breed.  We face the unkown, we work hard even when we don't want to, we are not afraid of failure and we do it as a COMMUNITY. Why people have a hate on for CrossFit I will never understand. like the snatch, it is going to be a long hard battle.  What we are facing in our very behind the times small town, Vancouver faced 5 years ago and California faced it 10 years ago.  You see, CrossFit is not that new, we just live in a town that can be a little closed minded and dare I say un-educated at times ( I am going to be in mega trouble for that last statement) My Coach is currently at the Tiranus Titan Challenge this weekend watching his athletes kick some major butt.  I am proud to have him as a coach. When I speak to him about these issues he tells me to shut up and re focus.    Instead of wasting any more time fretting about what people think of CrossFit I, along with at least 100,000 other people on the planet, am heading into the gym to blow off some steam.  To work on some things I suck at, and to sweat it out! 
For tomorrow we will  be doing the first workout of the Taranis Titan Challenge that took place this past weekend. 

Lat smash
Assigned mobilty work- this will differ from person to person
21 Doubles 
15 SDHP with broomstick 
9 shoulder to o.h 

5x5 Bent row - AHAP

SDHP 65/95
Shoulder to overhead 
Pull ups

Rest Exactly 5 min then;
Double unders 
Air squat

* Score is the time it took to complete both workouts including rest time

Alexander shoulder stretch on wall 
wall slides

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Friday November 1 2013

I would really like to see everyone doing a bit more focused mobility. I see lots of you coming to class and hanging out with the foam rollers,sitting on them chatting etc...  that is awesome but lets put them to use! I will try to get in the habit of posting a mobility exercise each day to bring some focus to your "social foam rolling session" at the beginning of each class. How we prepare for each class matters!! 

Mobility 5 Min 
T-spine opener 
Foam roller + Oly bar Snatch position 

Prep 10 Min  
10 Turkish get up 
10 KB Deadlift 
10 KB Snatch (5 per side)
10 Single arm OH squat (5 Per side) 

Strength 10 Min 
In 10 Min find a 1RM Snatch 

Conditioning 12 Min 
12 Min AMRAP
6 KB Burpee
6 Box Jump 
6 T2B 

Recovery 10 Min 
Calf smash 
Bi/Tri smash 

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Thursday October 31st

Below is a link to the Battle on The Boarder Competition.  Please let your coach's know if you are interested in taking part in this competition! 


Ankle smash/ mobility 
Static Hangs 
Static handstand holds 

Strength/ Skill 
Find a max height box hop 

2x 1 Min AMRAP 
A) HSPU/Static Holds/ Push ups 
B) Pull ups 
C) Box hops 20/24
D) Muscle ups/ Ring Dips 

* 1 Min rest between exercises 

50 Hollow rocks 
Roll out legs/ IT bands 

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Wednesday October 30th 2013

10 KB Clean and jerk 
8 Good Mornings 
6 Sit ups 

In 10 Min find a 1RM Clean and Jerk 

18 Min AMRAP
60 Doubles 
12 Wall Balls 
9 Hollow Rocks 
3 Pull ups 

Calf/ Ankle mobility 

Monday, 28 October 2013

Tuesday October 29th 2013

Just a reminder that we are testing this week.  MOST of our efforts should go into the strength component of our workouts, the conditioning WOD's themselves should be fairly easy this week and we will focus on quality of movement and will likely not spend much time gasping for air.  Take the time this week to move better- after nutrition it is the foundation of CrossFit! 

10 Pass through's 
10 Overhead squats
Partner shoulder smash 20/ side  

Find a 1RM Strict press 

10 Ring rows
20 Walking lunges in the front rack position 65/95
30 KBS 35/50

Bully stretch with band
Oly bar shoulder smash