Thursday, 20 December 2012

December 21 2012

Last workout before the holidays!! I hope you all enjoy the holidays and take some time to rest.  Tomorrow's WOD is tonnes of fun.  It goes the same way as the song.  Starting at 1, then 2,1. 3,2,1 etc.  If you can not make the 6 am class there are a  few of us hitting it at noon.

1. Clean and Jerk 65/95
2. Pull ups
3. K2E
4. Box Jump 
5. Push ups 
6. Deadlift 
7. Swings 35/50
8. Jumping lunges 
9. Tricep Dips
10. Burpees
11. Air Squats 
12. Double Unders. 

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

December 20 2012

Work on ankle mobility for 5 min 


20 Min AMRAP
5 Knees to Elbows  
10x Agility Ladder  
15 Back Extentions 

Deadlift 7x1 

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

December 19th 2012

"Bear Complex"

7 rounds for time and load of Bear Complex; Clean, Front Squat, Back squat - No resting the bar!

Monday, 17 December 2012

December 18th 2012

Tomorrow's WOD is a 5 AMRAP's repeated twice.  

a) 1  Min double unders
b) 1 Min Burpees
c) 1 Min Pull ups 
d) 1 Min KB Swings 
e)  1 Min Squats 

1 Min Rest between rounds repeat this 2 x's 

Sunday, 16 December 2012

December 17th 2012

What a great weekend! Thanks again to everyone that came out to the Christmas gathering... it was lots of fun! This is our last week of classes in 2012! We are going to have a 10 participant limit on classes to avoid better serve our clients and avoid the New Years craziness.  Make sure you let us know if you are committed to classes in January or sign up online! Although there will be no classes December 23-January 2, the gym will still be open with the exception of Christmas Day and New Years day.  

5 Rounds for time 
10 Single arm OH Squats - 5 per side
10 Shuttle Runs 
10 Mountain Climbers 

5x5 Shoulder Press 

Thursday, 13 December 2012

December 14 2012

We have Canyon School coming in at 11:00 today to do a CrossFit workout! Sue Milligan has been working with these kids once a week, showing them CrossFit.  They are really excited to come to a "real" gym and do the workout.  I chose "Fight Gone bad" as the workout.  If you get a chance to stop in and watch these kids please do so!! We will sub the rowing in the traditional workout with skipping.  Someday we will have more rowers and enough equipment to accommodate the masses.  Until then we thank you all so much for your support and dedication!

"Fight Gone Bad"
3 Rounds for reps with one min rest between rounds

Wall Balls
SDHP #75
Box Jumps 
Push Press #75

There is a group of us hitting this workout at noon as well so feel free to join in! 

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

December 13 2012

Great job to all of you that did the Filthy Fifty today.. it was a killer! If anyone missed it maybe you can make it up Saturday before the team WOD? 

For Tomorrow; 
A) Split Jerk 6x3

B) 10 Min AMRAP
10 Pistoils -5 Per leg 
10 Ring dips 
10 Toes to bar 

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

December 12 2012

It's always interesting to repeat a workout and see if you have improved or if at the very least the workout suck less! The "Filthy Fifty" is a classic and was one of the very first workouts we did as a CrossFit affiliate.  This is where journaling can be really helpful.  If you have never done the Filthy you are in for a real treat! 

WOD~ For Time 

"Filthy Fifty"
50 Box Jumps
50 Jumping Pull ups
50 K.B Swings- 1 pood
50 Walking lunges 
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press- 45 lbs
50 Back Extensions 
50 Wall Balls - 20 lbs
50 Burpees 
50 Double Unders 

Monday, 10 December 2012

December 11 2012

We worked a lot on over head squats today.  I know some of you adrenaline junkies have a hard time slowing things down and just working on fine tuning our movements but  the reality is we ALL need to from time to time!


A) 21-15-9 
Dumbell Squat cleans 

B) Deadlifts 

Sunday, 9 December 2012

I hope everyone got lots of rest over the weekend! I spent the day making Paleo ham soup, Paleo protein balls and Paleo Apple Crisp! Soon enough we will have recipes up on the website to help you plan for your week of healthy eating.  I was thinking today about how my training has evolved over the years.  I used to be able to go to the gym and workout even if I hadn't ate properly or maybe stayed out late the night before.  The thing about CrossFit is I have to eat in order to perform better.  Try doing a CrossFit workout hungover... I dare you! Okay don't do that.  CrossFit makes you want to be better, to eat better to rest up so that we can hit our workouts harder and better than the day before.  Watch for a few repeat workouts this week like say.... the "Filthy Fifty" it will give you a good chance to see if you have made some improvements in your training! 

For tomorrow we will start with a fun little circuit cause Shannon loves than AND its a great way to warm up. Then we will move into Overhead Squats; 5x10

Overhead squats are by far the most demanding movement in all of CrossFit and can be fairly neglected.  Lets hammer them tomorrow! 

Thursday, 6 December 2012

December 7

Monday's workout was a lot of different movements and most of you are still getting to know most of them.  Tomorrow's workout is a test!Not a pass or fail kind of test but a burpee or no burpee kind of test.  We will be going through a bunch of movements and work on our skills. For those of you that missed today's workout; we will do a 5x5 Deadlift.  
This will be a fun class! 

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

December 6 2012

Yesterday I posted that it was the 13th... wow.  Maybe lack of sleep really is catching up with me.  For tomorrow December 6th 2012... 

5 Rounds for time;

5 Deadlift
10 Pull ups
20 Push ups

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

December 13 2012

Some pretty cool things happening around here!! Strength is building, box hops are not so scary and even double unders are getting a little more love. Not sure if you noticed but I LOVE CrossFit and all its challenges.  Don't get me wrong, embarking on a life long journey with no end in sight can be very scary.  Watching some of my favorite athletes perform is inspiring yet it seems to be human nature that we think of how far we have to go rather how far we have come.  This is a life long journey my friends, one that will continue to challenge us and change us for many years.  This is not the latest gimmick, this is not the next cool class at the health club.  This is CrossFit.  

Tomorrow's WOD is all about front rack position and how to improve it.  We will be working on cleans because we can always be faster and heavier with them.  

The WOD a modified version of "Grace"
30 Cleans for time

Front Squats 5x10 

Monday, 3 December 2012

December 4 2012

Today's chipper was a butt kick! Great job to everyone that completed it! It was a challenge for some of you to remember all the different movements but it will come. Counting reps and thinking about the movements helps us fully engage in what we are doing instead of just going through the motions.  You may be able to get away with that doing boring bicep curls or using the leg extension machine, but that is why CrossFit is different.  CrossFit helps to better prepare us for daily life and sport.   Pay attention, learn the movements and practice practice practice CrossFit.  You will be amazed at what you are capable of! 

A) 3 Push press every min on the min for 10 min. #135/ #95

B) 15 Min AMRAP
5 Box hop 
7 Double Unders 
9 Sit ups 

Sunday, 2 December 2012

December 3 2012

Hey! I hope you all had a great weekend! Just a reminder that we will be having a very fun and friendly competition December 15 at 2:00.  There will be a sign up sheet on the bulletin board this week for you to sign up.  The entry fee is $40 for the team and all proceeds will go to the SPCA.  Enjoy some Christmas cheer with us afterwards as we cheer on the other teams.  There will also be a kids workout at 3:00 so feel free to bring the whole family!

Tomorrow WOD is a nice big chipper.  Pace yourself and have fun!

25 Thrusters 95/65
25 Knees to Elbows
25 Dips
25 Pull ups
25 KB Swings 
20 Cleans 95/65
20 Push ups
20 Double unders
20 Walking Lunges 
15 Front squats 95/65
15 Push press 95/65
15 Wall balls
10 O.H squats 95/65
10 Burpees
5 Sumo Lift to high pull 95/65 

Thursday, 29 November 2012

November 30th 2012

Speed and agility for tomorrows WOD;

For time;
100 Knee ups
100 Butt kicks 
100 Jumping jacks ¸
100 Skips
100 Karaokes  
100 Walking lunges 

Skill; Handstand Push ups 

Strength 5x1 Bench press 

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

November 29th 2012

Today was a total write off for me.    A classic example of how s#%&* can go seriously sideways.  Easton must be growing because he was up every two hours! I somehow missed eating breakfast in the chaos of coming in late to work.  Needless to say my workout was S#@%.  I tried and failed miserably. I have come to realize through my very short journey of parenting so far to control what you can and do not beat your self up over the rest.  Right now my workouts are interrupted by my little man needing me, I can't control that.  What I can control is what I put into my mouth, and how I respond to the chaos around me.  I know each and everyone of you have a lot going on in your lives.  Props to all of you that take the time out of our busy lives to take care of ourselves.  I believe it makes us better parents, better at what we do, just better all around.  

I will redeem myself with one of my favourite workouts tomorrow;
"The Chief" 
5- 3 Min AMRAP's of 

3 Hang Power Cleans 
6 Push ups 
9 Air squats

One minute rest between rounds 

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

November 28 2012

There were some really big numbers hit for deadlifts today! Great job to all! It is so awesome to see how much strength has been built over the last couple months.  Keep it up, you are just getting started! 


A) Find a 10 Rep Max for front squat 

B) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Jump Squats 
Push press 

Monday, 26 November 2012

November 27 2012

Strength WOD for tomorrow; 

A) 10 (Men) 7 (Ladies)  Push ups every minute on the minute for 10 min 

B) 5x5 Deadlift.  Record load. 

Sunday, 25 November 2012

November 26 2012

Hope everyone had a great weekend! 

A chipper WOD for tomorrow; 

50 KB Swings 40/25
5 Pull ups
40 Sit ups
4 Pull ups
30 Med Ball cleans 
3 Pull ups 
20 Double unders 
2 Pull ups 
10 Burpees
1 Pull up 

Friday, 23 November 2012

November 24 2012

Skill day Saturday!

A fun combination of the following;

Double Unders
Kipping pull ups
Ring Dips 
Snatch Balance 

Thursday, 22 November 2012

November 23 2012

Good job to everyone today.  I know double unders can try your patients! Keep at them, they will come.  I asked the other day why do you do CrossFit.  For me its because I learn something new everyday and to me that is the fountain of  youth!

Tomorrows WOD is a partner AMRAP
Complete as many rounds in 20 min of; 
10 Wall balls 
10 Broad jumps 
10m Crab walk 

Alternate partners between rounds 

Front Squat - Working on opening up the shoulders and position.  

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

November 22 2012

Easton is 5 months old today!

 Accumulate 5 min in handstand

Double unders 
Kettle Bell swings 

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

November 21 2012

What a great day for a Tabata! 

WOD Tabata
Med ball cleans 
Sit ups
Pull ups 
Push ups 

4 min each of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off.  Score is the LOWEST number of reps completed for each exercise.  1 min rest betweeen rounds

5x5 Deadlift  

Monday, 19 November 2012

November 20 2012

It has only been about 4 months since most of you have started CrossFit and already there have been some amazing strength gains! CrossFit is never ending, as soon as we master a double under, there is a ring dip. We get the ring dip and then there is a muscle up! This is the beauty of CrossFit, always evolving and always challenging us to reveal our true potential.  That being said CrossFit tends to pull at our weaknesses, this can be flexablity for some, strength for others.  Be patient, listen to your body and talk to your coaches.  We are doing our very best to make you your very best! 

 Ground to overhead 3x10

3 rounds for time of;
5 Strict pull ups
5 Push press 
5 Jumping Kipping pull ups 
5 Push press 

Sunday, 18 November 2012

November 19 2012

I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend and got some rest! The weather has been amazing so I figured we should get in a running WOD or two! We did this workout Saturday but a few of you ( I won't mention names) decided to skip it.  DO NOT worry! You can make it up today AND it is going to get you 100 burpees closer to this months challenge! 


5 Rounds for time of;
Run 400m
20 Burpees
15 Bent over row with 35's or 20's for the ladies.  

Overhead squat 5x10 

We will be working on snatching later on this week so spend some time working on your squat! And read this article!!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

November 16 2012


Handstand Pushups
Box Hops


20 Double unders
10 Handstand PU
5 Pull Ups- Strict
20 Knees to Elbows
10 Overhead Squats
5 burpees

Partner workout: each partner must perform the task with true form or if needed an assist from their partner before the other partner does the like task in the same fashion.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

November 15 2012

To all of you that bought journals make sure you are recording your workouts! It's great to go back and see where you left off for strength movements! AND when we repeat some of those super fun workouts you can see how you have improved.  I can not stress how important journaling is :-)

A) 3 Clean and Jerks every min on the min for 10 min

B) Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Rope Climb

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

November 14 2012

Well my body is telling me its time for a rest day but for everyone else that is ready to roll enjoy this one! 

Double unders
Ring dips 

5 Rounds for time;

10 Hang Power cleans  
15 Push ups
20 Air squats

Bench Press 5x2  

Monday, 12 November 2012

November 13 2012

Ring dips 3x5

4 Rounds for Time of;
12 Thrusters 95/65 
8 CTB Pull ups 
6 Shuttle runs carrying a weight plate. 25/10

Bench Press 5x2 

Sunday, 11 November 2012

November 12 2012

Thank you to everyone that came out and sweat ed with us for the Remembrance Day WOD.  It was long and gruelling but a great way to pay our respects to those who fought for our freedom.  If you missed the Hero WOD, don't worry, we are doing another one tomorrow.  All classes will run as normal tomorrow, look foreword to seeing you all then!

5 Rounds for time of;

50 Double unders
35 Knees to Elbows
20 Yard overhead walk 185/130

Thursday, 8 November 2012

November 9th 2012

Awesome job to everyone today! I know on nights like this all we want to do is curl up in a blanket and stay home.  Thanks for all your dedication and hard work! 

Headstands and Headstand toe taps 

7 Rounds for time of; 
7 Push Press 
7 Overhead squat  

Strength; Ring Dips, Kipp Pull ups and legless rope climb 

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

A nice little mix of strength and skill for your Thursday workout! 
Skills- Pistols 

For time;
20 Box Hops
5 Handstand walk ups 
20  Sumo Deadlift to high pull (75/95)
5 Dumbell squat cleans  (20/40)
20 Knees to Elbows 
5 Ring dips 
20 Wall balls 
5 Pull ups - Strict 
20 Double unders 

Strength- Overhead squat- 5 rep max 

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

November 7th 2012

Squats anyone?

A) 2 min AMRAP Double Unders 

B) 15 Min AMRAP of the following;
21 Kettle Bell swings ( we use weights for now)
15 Burpees
9 Hang Cleans 

C) 50 Toes to bar/ Knees to Elbows- no time limit just get em done!

Yes your burpess count towards this months challenge! 

Monday, 5 November 2012

November 6th 2012

Today's WOD was a quad smoker! Great job to all of you, especially the ones that did it in the morning rain!! 


Handstand Push ups 

50 knees to Elbows OR Toes to Bar

Sunday, 4 November 2012

November 05 2012

Hope you all had a great weekend and got some rest.  I did some food prep today as part of my normal Sunday routine and thought I would share it with you to help you out with your week.  I had some Key Lime Protein balls leftover from the nutrition workshop that I will continue to munch on for the week.  I whipped up some home made Pho.... yummm!!! Baked 3 yams for our breakfast this week and any other tasting things I decide to make with them. I also cut up some vegetables and boiled some egg's for easy snaking.  Links to these recipes will be up soon so keep an eye out! 

 Rope Climb 

4 Rounds for time; 
Run 400m 
50 Air squats 

Push press 

Saturday, 3 November 2012

November 4th 2012

Thank you to all that came out to the Nutrition workshop. I hope the information gave you a good understanding of the foods we eat and the hormonal response they create in the body.  Feel free to message me with any questions you may have. If you have not yet signed up for the newsletter please do so! I will be sending out some healthy recipes and tips on how to incorporate the information from today into our daily lives.  For tomorrow... REST. And do food prep for the week! 

Thursday, 1 November 2012

November 2 2012

Its Friday again! The week may not have gone as fast for some of you, but it flew by for me! Must have had something to do with the long weekend I took! Just letting you all know the WOD journals are in! I am really excited about these.  I encourage all of you to track your workouts.  We time and measure each workout to gauge progress.  Start logging your workouts and I grantee you will be amazed at your results when we repeat some of your favourites.  

For tomorrow 

3 Clean and Jerks every minute on the minute for 15 min 

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

November 1 2012

I hope everyone enjoyed Halloween! I dressed Easton up as a monkey and took him trick or treating with his cousin Daelan... He was asleep in the stroller within 5 min and I ended up with candy I DO NOT need kicking around my house. What do you do with left over candy? Feed it to unattended children at the gym that's what.  

Here is a good little AMRAP for tomorrow 

10 Pull ups 
5 Dumbell Deadlifts 
8 Push press 

We will also spend some time working on hip flexor mobility and my nemesis, double unders.  

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

October 31st 2012

Partner WOD

We will start out with a bit of Hand Stand push up work and then move on to this beauty;

One person works while the other holds a hollow body position 

100 Wall Balls 
100 Squats  
100 Push ups  
100 Kettle Bell swings 
100 Sit ups 
2 Rope Climbs

Monday, 29 October 2012

Sunday, 28 October 2012

October 29th 2012

We decided to take a little trip to Calgary to visit some friends and attend a few CrossFit classes.  Jacey will be coaching the 6 am class tomorrow, no nonsense, she will report it to me!


10 Rounds for Time
10 Walking lunges 
10 Push ups

Have a great start to your week everyone.  Looking foreword to a good workout with CrossFit Ramsay tomorrow, we will be sure to bring back some great stuff! 

Friday, 26 October 2012

Our Saturday class is always a bit more relaxed and easy going.  It gives regular members a chance to work on skills, and lets new prospects get a feel for the class without the pressure of rushing off to work.  If you know of anyone interested in CrossFit, send them to this class!

For the WOD

5 Rounds for time; 

5 Buprees  
10 Push ups 
20 Air Squats 

Bring a list of skills you would like to work on and we will get to it! 

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Happy Friday everyone.  I will be celebrating this glorious day by re doing "Seven" Last week I got through 5 rounds before I gave into Easton screaming his head off.  I know it was a super challenging workout and my conscience just wont let me rest until I make up this workout and suffer what the rest of you did! Nikki McRae is joining me in the fun since she was away in Disneyland and didn't bring me back Ariel's autograph. Anyone else want to join me or re do it?
The morning class will be doing "Fight Gone Bad" from today because its a great workout as well. So for tomorrow, "Seven" , "Fight Gone Bad" or any other workout you may have missed this week. There were so many good ones, how do you pick??

Hope to see some of you at Saturday's class.  Let get more peeps hooked on this awesome thing called CrossFit!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

We will follow up today's strength workout with a classic fight gone bad! 

"Fight Gone Bad"

Wall balls
Sumo Deadlift to high pull
Box Jumps
Skip (sub for rowing)

1 min at each station with a continuous running clock. 5 Rounds 

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

October 24 2012

The Lethbridge food bank is hosting a Zombie Run this Sunday at 10 am.  Its a fun 5k with some obsticles and of course Zombies! Sounds like a lot of fun, let me know if you are interested!


Throughout the class men lift a total of 10,000 pounds, women lift a total of 7,000 pounds.  The lifts can be push press, deadlift, clean and bench press.  If you have a 100 lbs deadlift and you lift that 5x for 5 sets that will be 2,500 lbs. 

Monday, 22 October 2012

October 23 2012

Anything with two T's has to be amazing right? 

Skill; Pull ups


Skip 500 rounds 
Rest 4 min

Tabata Thrusters 

Cleans 3RM

Sunday, 21 October 2012

October 22 2012

All right right so I have been really bad at posting lately, please forgive me! I have had too much on the go!  I was able to get away this past weekend with my boys, it was SO needed.  In our time away we picked up so new equipment, pretty exciting! We invested in a few more Olympic bars so we don't have to share, yae! And we also got some bumper plates, many of you may not know the difference, but the bumper plates are a rubber weight plate rather than the iron ones we currently have.  I am really excited about the new stuff, you guys will notice a difference it makes in your training as well.  CrossFit Pincher Creek is an ever evolving place, thanks to all of you that support us through the journey, and thanks for the patients while we build up our equipment to accommodate all you fine people.

For tomorrow;

Skill; Ring holds/ Ring dips 

Mobility; Shoulders 


3 Rounds For Time 
15 Overhead squats 
15 Burpess

Strength; Bench Press 3RM

Friday, 19 October 2012

October 19th 2012

So I left my computer at work again last night... burpee me if you must, But I will just program nasty workouts next week if you do.  Okay I won't.  Happy Friday!

20 Min AMRAP

10 Push Press
10 Kettle Bell Swings
10 Box Hops

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

October 18 2012

"The Seven"

7 Handstand push ups
7 Thrusters (65/95)
7 Knees to elbows
7 Deadlift (115/ 185)
7 Burpees
7 Kettle bell swing (25/40)
7 Pull ups

There are several modifactions for Handstand push ups! A bit of a crippler... take your time, relax and get through it round by round.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

October 17 2012

Hope you are all having a great week! Saw some really cool stuff happening with deadlifts today, a whole lot of PR's (personal records) There is defiantly some serious strength gains happening around here!

For tomorrow....

Run 800m
8 Thrusters
8 Pull ups
Run 600m
6 Thrusters
6 Pull ups
Run 400 m
4 Thrusters
4 Pull ups
Run 200m
2 Thrusters
2 Pull ups

Followed by some fun stuff on the rings. Rest up!

Monday, 15 October 2012

October 16th 2012

We will be hosting a nutrition workshop Saturday November 3 at 11 am.  The workshop is geared towards those looking for information on how and what to eat for there nutritional goals. Be it fat loss or weight gain or to improve performance, this workshop will give you the tools you need to meet your needs! Hope you can join in!

For Tomorrow 
We will be working on Handstand push ups
The Burgener warm up 

150 Kettle Bell swings for time.  Women 25, Men 40

Deadlift 3 RM 

Sunday, 14 October 2012

October 15th 2012

I hope everyone had a great weekend and got some rest.  A little word on rest; as far as CrossFit goes the recommendation is 3 days on 1 day off.  Unfortunately not all of us have that kind of schedule! Whatever your schedule may be, be sure to get at least one if not two rest days in per week.  I chose to listen to my body as for when to take a break from training. In place of my workout on my rest days I like to do something fun with my family like a hike or a walk, maybe take in some Yoga, sometimes I schedule in a long nap.  However you choose to spend your rest days enjoy them, after all you earned it!!

We had some squat cleans for Saturday's workout, lets spend a bit of time going over them to ensure proper form and technique.

We will also work on strict pull ups.  Strict meaning from a dead hang position.  Scary I know :-)

15 Push ups
10m Run ( about 5 lengths of the gym)
14 Push ups
10m Run
13 Push ups
10m run
All the way down to one push up.

Try to hide your excitement! I love push ups too!

Friday, 12 October 2012

Drop in and check out the 24 Hour Hockey Tournament this weekend.  The tournament started at 7pm tonight and ends tomorrow at 7 pm. Drop off a donation if you haven't already. All the funds go towards the Windy Slopes Health Foundation for a new heart monitor/ pacer for our hospital.  Its for a great cause guys so don't be cheap! 

Double unders  
Strict pull ups 
 Ring Dips

a) 10 Squat cleans every min on the min for 5 min.  

b) Hollow Bodies 

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

October 11th 2012

I just made Chia seed pumpkin pudding and I can not get enough of it.... seriously good.  Here is tomorrow workout

Mobility work: Hamstring lengtheners 
Skill: Snatch 

20 Min AMRAP
5 Box Hop Burpees
10 K.B Swings 
20 Sit ups 

We will finish up with some L sit work. 

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

October 10 2012


Look foreword to some shoulder smashing and upper back opening, then;

Kipping Pull up work


 4 Rounds for time;

21 Deadlift
15 Hang Clean
9 Push press

Monday, 8 October 2012

October 9th 2012

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Lets work it off with this bad ass workout!


50 Walking lunges
50 Push ups
50 Double unders
25 Knees to elbows
1 Rope climb
50 Box Hops
25 Overhead Squats
25 L- Pull ups
50 Sit ups